Tema: Mainstream (in Film Studies)
Autorius: Viktorija
Data: 2009-06-01 22:50:31
Kaip lietuviskai butu "mainstream". Pagal prasme tai turetu buti vienas 
zodis, daiktavardis, nusakantis sroves pavadinima. Taip kaip 
siurrealizmas, taip ir "meinstrymas". Ar yra koks kitas zodis?

populiari tendencija netinka, tam yra zodis "popular"
masine kultura (kryptis) netinka, nes yra zodis "mass" culture/attitude
siuolaikine irgi netinka, nes yra contemporary

is vis, pagal mane turetu buti ne budvardis (populiari/masine/labiausiai 
paplitusi/etc) o kazkoks daiktavardis, sroves/tendencijos pavadinimas

zemiau sakiniai su "mainstream"

In the surrealist response to Hollywood, genre films were of particular 
significance because they could elude production codes that dominated 
the mainstream, but paradoxically it was the demise of the studio 
production line that put an end to the possibilities of the sort of 
cinema that would cast up these rich poetic possibilities in a whole 
range of different films.

With the demise of the B movie, genre films were integrated into the 
mainstream, something which, along with a greater awareness of 
inter-textual elements in films among critics and increasingly among 
film makers as well, has combined to make the involuntary generation of 
poetry unlikely if not impossible.