Full HD (1080p) - 1920 x 1080 HD (720p) - _1280_ x 720 X20 - _1024_ x 768 Faktas, kad norint 1280 tasku atvaizduoti/paversti i 1024, bus prarandama >20% informacijos. ---------------------------------- Sakau, kad X20 prasčiau rodo nei S20 :) Matai Fla, yra dar ir išimtys su tuo HDready/HDTV sertifikavimu: http://www.digitaleurope.org/index.php?id=32&id_article=50 http://www.digitaleurope.org/web/news/telecharger.php?iddoc=246 Čia pusę nesuprantu (nesigilinau), bet užstrigo, kas pačioje pabaigoje parašyta. "Q: In reviewing Annex B of the licensing agreement, it appears that the screen size should be within +/- 5% of a 16:9 standard screen ratio. How does EICTA consider the 15:9 format ? This format is at -6.25% away from 16:9. A: With reference to resolution, the core of the "HD ready" minimum requirements is: minimum 720 physical lines in wide aspect ratio (i.e. lines used to display a wide aspect ratio image). The "HD ready" minimum requirements are applicable to any display device type, and within that broad context the words "aspect ratio" in the agreement refer to the "picture aspect ratio" (i.e. the displayable image based on the video frame), not directly as such to the physical screen aspect ratio of a (fixed resolution) display device. The +/- 5% allows for some flexibility for the picture aspect ratio (and hence indirectly the physical screen aspect ratio). AR is Picture Aspect Ratio AR = Horizontal_Picture_Size / Vertical_Picture_Size AR = 16:9 [± 5%] AR = 1.78 [± 5%] 1.6889 < AR < 1.8667 This entails that display devices with a physical screen aspect ratio smaller than 1.6889 can comply only on the condition that the device has enough lines to still be using at least 720 lines when displaying an image in wide picture aspect ratio. Practically this would mean that the display device would be showing a “wide aspect ratio letterbox"-style overall image, with 720 lines used in between the (black) top/bottom bars. Note also that likewise devices with a physical screen aspect ratio larger than 1.8667 would be using a “wide aspect ratio pillar box” -style operating mode. Display devices with a 15:9 screen that have exactly 720 lines - and not more - cannot comply with the “HD ready” minimum requirements. In reality many 15:9 display devices are actually (W)XGA -grade (i.e. 768 lines) screens, and can comply with the resolution criterion in as far as they feature a compliant "wide aspect ratio letterbox" operating mode."