"Waldemar Adamkiewicz" <underall999@yahooNOSPM.com> wrote in news:h3kflf $9v7$1@trimpas.omnitel.net: > tai lieka anarchija? kadangi nuo gimimo iki dabar visada turejai savininka, t.y. kazkam priklausei nuosavybes teise, tai apie laisve ir pagalvoti baisu? http://lt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchizmas siaip tai negaliu atsistebeti zmogeliuku meile valdziai, kazkoks visuotinis stokholmo sindromas (perkeltine prasme): http://lt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stokholmo_sindromas lietuviskas straipsnis tik nepilnai isverstas: Psychoanalytic explanations According to the psychoanalytic view of the syndrome, the tendency might well be the result of employing the strategy evolved by newborn babies to form an emotional attachment to the nearest powerful adult in order to maximize the probability that this adult will enable — at the very least — the survival of the child, if not also prove to be a good parental figure. This syndrome is considered a prime example for the defense mechanism of identification.[3] -- Vinis