Tema: Re: va cia tai aparatas
Autorius: Bone Daddy
Data: 2009-03-15 11:37:32
AMP AS SAYLIYAH, Qatar (NNS) -- British artillery and coalition aircraft destroyed a 
column of Iraqi tanks and armored vehicles early March 27, British Air Marshal Brian 
Burridge said at a press briefing.

 The armored column, which contained 14 Iraqi T-55 tanks, reportedly left Basra and headed 
southwest toward U.K. troops.

"Having established that these forces were not trying to surrender, U.K. forces took swift 
and decisive action against this threat," Burridge said.

A squadron of 14 Challenger II tanks of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards led the attack. 
Coalition forces incurred no damage during the battle.

"Woo" <woo9567@takas.lt> wrote in message news:gphosm$5vd$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>O kiek tu Challenger'iu ten is viso dalyvavo ?
> "Bone Daddy" <.info@bonedaddy.serveftp.com> wrote in message 
> news:gphg8k$dg$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Slepkis su savo rusiska "technika". Realiam kare rezultatas 1 (vienas) prie 500. Irako
>> kare Abramsai pamushe 2000 rusisku tanku, o Abramsu 4 shtukas ir nei vieno anglishko
>> Challenger'io.