Tema: Re: va cia tai aparatas
Autorius: Woo
Data: 2009-03-15 13:39:26
14 Challenger'iu ? Na, tuomet suprantama, kodel nei vienas ju nebuvo pamustas. 

"Bone Daddy" <.info@bonedaddy.serveftp.com> wrote in message news:gpii8r$kph$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> AMP AS SAYLIYAH, Qatar (NNS) -- British artillery and coalition aircraft destroyed a 
> column of Iraqi tanks and armored vehicles early March 27, British Air Marshal Brian 
> Burridge said at a press briefing.
> The armored column, which contained 14 Iraqi T-55 tanks, reportedly left Basra and headed 
> southwest toward U.K. troops.
> "Having established that these forces were not trying to surrender, U.K. forces took swift 
> and decisive action against this threat," Burridge said.
> A squadron of 14 Challenger II tanks of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards led the attack. 
> Coalition forces incurred no damage during the battle.
> "Woo" <woo9567@takas.lt> wrote in message news:gphosm$5vd$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>O kiek tu Challenger'iu ten is viso dalyvavo ?
>> "Bone Daddy" <.info@bonedaddy.serveftp.com> wrote in message 
>> news:gphg8k$dg$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Slepkis su savo rusiska "technika". Realiam kare rezultatas 1 (vienas) prie 500. Irako
>>> kare Abramsai pamushe 2000 rusisku tanku, o Abramsu 4 shtukas ir nei vieno anglishko
>>> Challenger'io.