Tema: (PA)SKAITINIAI. Laisvas
Autorius: britva - Mindaugui Peleckiui
Data: 2011-07-31 16:29:58

geriausias būdas kovoti su "antisemitizmu" tai gerų žydų autorių
knygų pristatymas. Naomi Klein parašė puikią knygą "Šoko doktrina
Katastrofų kapitalizmas". Kainavo 50 lt. bet nusipirkau. Išleido Kitos
knygos. Todėl būtų begal gerai jei kas nors išverstų Allan Bloom'ą
("The Closing of the American Mind") ir nepaprastai įdomų žydų
atskleidžia ir tikrasias holokausto priežastis... ir daug kitokių
įdomių dalykų. Iš anotacijos: The Jewish IdeologiesSocialism,
Liberalism, Territorialism, Zionism, American Pluralism

Within the next few decades, however, three of these four ideologies
suffered their death blows in Europe: socialism as a result of Stalin's
purges, liberalism in Weimar Germany with the rise of the Nazis, and
territorialism with the emergence of fascist regimes in Eastern Europe-and,
finally all three with the Holocaust. All the "European" solutions of the
Jewish question became victims of the Nazis since, after the Holocaust,
there were no longer significant numbers of Jews in Europe whose "question"
needed to be solved. With the demise of these "European" solutions, only
"extra-European" ones remained for world Jewry: Zionism and American
pluralism, two alternatives that rose on the agenda during this fateful
period...... The new anti-Semitism, together with the mushrooming number of
impoverished Jews, provided the impetus for the greatest migration of
Jewish history: from Russia and Eastern Europe to Western Europe and, most
significantly, from Europe as a whole to other continents.5 It now became
increasingly apparent that the long European age of Jewish history was
coming to an end. The task for Jewish politics was no longer to remake
society so that it would tolerate all religions, as it had been for the
Haskalah. It was now necessary either to remake society or remake the world
so that it could swallow and digest all national groups. For that reason,
the solutions proposed were more radical than they had been in the past,
and the movements more revolutionary. If European society could not be
transformed, the problems of the Jews would have to be solved outside of
Europe. Through emmigration, more and more Jews were voting for this
solution with their feet.

Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/lmenas/?st_id=18458