Tema: POLEMIKA. Niekšybė prasideda nuo tokių kaip aš,
Autorius: ne šventieji
Data: 2012-05-07 21:04:55
"komunistinių pažiūrų poeto Alleno Ginsbergo prototipo pavardė Karlas
Marksas (Carlo Marx)" -- poetas Ginsbergas su kitu rusijos žydų
emigrantu, poetu Orlovskiu buvo meilužiai ir gėjai turėtų būti
dėkingi būtent jiems už gėjų "išlaisvinimą" JAV. Panašu, kad
Keruakas kaip moterų mylėyojas, daug vargo turėjo su šio žydo meile :
Beginning in 1944, Kerouac and Ginsberg’s correspondence stretched
nearly 20 years, spurred by a murder and sustained by a mutual love of the
written word. In Viking’s new publication, the depth and cultural
significance of the two writers’ works takes on a new perspective. Their
letters chronicle the authors’ complex relationship, including
Ginsberg’s early admiration of the hyper-heterosexual Kerouac, as well as
their numerous publication rejections, and the establishment of a literary
movement that defined a generation. As Kerouac once wrote to Lawrence
Ferlinghetti, “Someday ‘The Letters of Allen Ginsberg to Jack
Kerouac’ will make America cry.”
“I am neither romantic nor a visionary, and that is my weakness and
perhaps my power; at any rate it is one difference. In less romantic and
visionary terms, I am a Jew, (with powers of introspection and eclecticism
attendant, perhaps.) But I am alien to your natural grace, to the spirit
which you would know as a participator in America.”— Allen Ginsberg to
Jack Kerouac, July, 1945
Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/lmenas/?st_id=19677