Tema: Re: Dar keli is bash.org [en]
Autorius: sbalen
Data: 2009-08-24 17:19:06
cia lietuva, o ne angliasubiniu rojus

"eNyu@work" <neriusjTRINTI@gmail.com> ra?e

> Pirma keletas naujesniu, o po to keletas klasikiniu.:)
> * Vesper is now known as CodyB
> <Teku> why the nick change?
> <CodyB> I'm teaching this hot chick how to use IRC
> <xanatos> ...why
> <CodyB> I got grounded for two weeks and I can't call anyone. I
> figured I could talk to her here, at least.
> <CodyB> be cool, I'm teaching her about channels and she might come in
> here <xanatos> how did you get grounded
> <CodyB> I locked my sister outside for three hours.
> <xanatos> i bet she didnt like that
> * StacyF has joined #randomshit
> <CodyB> yeah I thought my parents were going to kill me
> <CodyB> oh hey, there you are
> <Teku> So you had sex with your sister on your parents bed and they
> walked in on you? Wow Cody, you're lucky you only got grounded for two
> weeks. <StacyF> eeew you sick fuck
> * StacyF has left #randomshit
> <Teku> I know you're going to kill me later, but it was so worth it
> <CodyB> you motherfucker
> Alex: So I was in the doctors yesterday, when my time came a large
> woman walked out of his room and I walked in. He said 'God bless her,
> I just confirmed to her that
>       she was morbidly obese.'
> Alex: I wasn't too sure what to say, but replied 'You shouldn't have
> told her that, the poor woman has enough on her plate.'
> <Funzo> can any of you guys speak french?
> <Time-Warp> i can
> <Time-Warp> i know how to say bongshure
> <Time-Warp> or something
> <Josh> I don't understand why churches and 'family groups' spend
> millions of dollars a year on abstinence-only instruction when a World
> of Warcraft account only costs fifteen dollars a month and has a much
> better record of ensuring virginity.
> <XenThra> I locked my keys in my car in front of planned parenthood.
> I'm terrified of going inside to ask to borrow a clothes hangar.
> <DevXen> Just tell them you need to fix a mistake real quick.
> Connor: Firefox 3.5. Download it.
> Andrew: Give me the top 5 reasons to download it.
> True: In iambic pentameter
> Connor: For private browsing, tear-off tabs and then some,
> Connor: Download Firefox three point five and see:
> Connor: It's using Gecko one point nine point one,
> Connor: And over twice as fast as Firefox three.
> Connor: Pwned.
> Omniscient Sean: I think we should terrorist start throwing in nuclear
> weapon noteworthy national security keywords to Allah otherwise
> innocuous conversations.
> InfiniteSuperior: I Bin Laden agree.
> Omniscient Sean: So how are Al Qaeda classes?
> InfiniteSuperior: I have Al Sadr a psychology report Iran due
> Wednesday. Omniscient Sean: Ah, that Tehran sucks.
> Omniscient Sean: This bizarre Sadaam open-source database utility has
> all the Palestine trappings of other open-source utilities.
> Omniscient Sean: In this WMD case, useless error messages.
> InfiniteSuperior: Other than Pakistan that, classes are Libby going
> well. 
> <coolbreze> heres a better qustion; what is the qucikest way to set up
> and FTP Server?
> <SpeedEvil> coolbreze: post your root password in a warez group.
> <Sqrfrk> I went and watched 300
> <Sqrfrk> That movie was badass
> <ErrorNotFound404> oh
> <ErrorNotFound404> im gonna go on thurs
> <ErrorNotFound404> dont tell me anything
> <Sqrfrk> They all die.
> <@Zen> So Sean's toaster has two settings:
> <@Zen> toast
> <@Zen> and bagel.
> <@Zen> But it's not a switch/
> <@Zen> It's a dial.
> <@Zen> So I guess if your bread is 60% bagel
> <@Zen> this toaster can handle it.
> <zoweee> i'm holding out til the next election
> <zoweee> if it goes against us, i'll seriously begin looking for my
> cultural fire exits
> <zoweee> "There are exts at the front and the rear of american
> democracy. Please take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with
> the nearest exit. In the event of a theocratic american hegemony,
> lights will appear on either end of the aisle, marking the way to your
> exit for you." <zoweee> in the unlikely event of the repeal of
> Ammendments 1-5, your seat cushion may be used to purchase carriage
> across one of our more porous borders
> <zoweee> should there be a  depressurization of america's historical 
> tolerance for diversity, bibles will drop from the overhead
> compartment. please read your own copy before assisting small children
> <zoweee> please do not read pirated versions of the bible, as this may
> give aid and comfort to terrorist organizations
> <qBaz> zow: marry me immediately
> <zoweee> we thank you for flying Knee Jerk Republican Contract with
> America, and hope you'll enjoy your stay in 2003. Or wherever your
> final destination may be.
> <Sock_Monkee> this "ska" band starts playing.....................
> <Sock_Monkee> like, they had
> guitar,bass,drums,tbone,trumpet,altosax,singer <Sock_Monkee> and the
> singer looked like avril labalifn;lawenflw;afinge <mog> girl?
> <ocean> lavigne, i think.
> <Wintermute> "labalifn;lawenflw;afinge"?
> <Wintermute> must be polish
> Trikkz R 4 Kidz: YO
> Trikkz R 4 Kidz: WASSUP?
> tetsu2051: presumably not your shift key
> <sheep--> haha
> <sheep--> my mom got this knife at some asian store
> <sheep--> i was gonna use it to make myself some food
> <sheep--> but instead, i\'m gonna frame it and keep it for ever in the
> wrapper
> <Tick> ?
> <sheep--> it says on it \"Warning: keep out of children\"
> <Tick> lol
> <Deeeno> I've seen hentai that is more believable than scientology.
> --
> Photoblog:
> http://www.enyu.lt 