Rusu rezoliucija skambetu labai graziai, jei nepazinotum rusu, ir nezinotum kas is to isplaukia: Rusija siulo, kad visa tyrima kontraliuotu JT. Rusija turi Veto teise JT. Rusija jau blokavo >10 rezoliuciju susijusiu su sirija. Vos pabandzius JT suburti komisija cheminems atakoms tirti, ji vel vetuotu komisijos sudeti, del neva jai neitikusiu nariu. Temptu guma, kad Asadas spetu susitvarkyti ikalcius, ir net jei pavyktu suburti komisija ir ji pateiktu kokias nors nedaudingas Rusijai isvadas, ji jas vel paprasciausiai vetuotu, ir is viso to gautusi snipsta. Todel kitos salys, zvelgdomos i praeityje ivykdytus Rusijos veiksmus, atmete ju rezoliucija. Taip kad esme tame straipsnyje pateikta tiksliai, nors is rezoliuciju teksto to ir nesimato. On 2018-04-16 14:46, Audrys wrote: > o dabar pademonstruok is kur paimti tie pezalai apie rusijos nenora > paskelbt? Tavo tekstas yra is independent straipsnio, kuris nepateikia > jokiu nuorodu i tekstus. > > taciau jt tekste nieko panasaus nera > > "The Council then proceeded to vote on a competing draft submitted by > the Russian Federation, also rejecting it, by a recorded vote of 6 in > favour (Bolivia, China, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Russian > Federation) to 7 against (France, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Sweden, > United Kingdom, United States), with 2 abstentions (Côte d’Ivoire, Kuwait). > > By the terms of that text, the Council would have established a United > Nations independent mechanism of investigation, also for an initial > period of one year, and urged it to fully ensure a truly impartial, > independent, professional and credible way to conduct its > investigation. It would have further directed the mechanism to make > full use of all credible, verified and corroborated evidence collected > by the OPCW fact-finding mission, while also directing it to collect and > examine additional information and sources not obtained or prepared by > the mission, including all information provided by the Government of > Syria and others on the activities of non-State actors." > > > "By the terms of a draft resolution submitted by the United States — > which was not adopted, following a vote of 12 in favour to 2 against > (Bolivia, Russian Federation) with 1 abstention (China), owing to a veto > by the Russian Federation — the Council would have established the > United Nations independent mechanism for an initial period of one year. > It would have requested the Secretary-General to make recommendations > about the mechanism including its terms of reference, based on the > principles of impartiality, independence and professionalism, to > identify those responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Syria. > > Condemning the use of such weapons in the strongest terms, the Council > would also have expressed full support for the Organisation for the > Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) fact-finding mission, which was > already investigating the Douma incident. It would have called on all > parties in Syria to fully cooperate with both investigations and allow > them immediate, unfettered, safe and secure access to all relevant > witnesses, evidence, reporting, materials and sites." > > > > > Taigi kaip ir buvo mineta, amerikosiniam variante yra "Condemning the > use of such weapons in the strongest terms", kuria siekiama numanomos > atakos statusa pakeist i fakta nepateikiant jokiu irodymu. > Taip pat Salui: butent amerikosiniam variante yra " It would have > requested the Secretary-General to make recommendations about the > mechanism including its terms of reference", kuris independ'o > straipsnyje priskiriamas rusams. > > > "Salas" wrote in message news:pb20d3$tk8$ > > Rusija noretu, kad nepriklausomu ekspertu isvados galetu butu > paskelbtos, tik tada, jei jas patvirtintu Rusija, t.y. 99% kad niekada :) > > > > On 2018-04-16 14:37, gediminas wrote: >> Tame linke tik teigiama, kad JT atmete rusijos pasiulyma. Bet taip ir >> neaiskus koks tas pasiulymas. Tai visgi ka ten tokio rusija siulo, kad >> JT nepritaria? >> Kiti siulo daryti nepriklausoma tyrima, kodel Rusija ji vetuoja? Ar >> netinka, kad bus nepriklausomas? >> >>> >>> >>> >>> specialiai kaip tau is ukru saito. >>> >>> "gediminas" wrote in message news:pb1og7$lu7$ >>> >>> Koki varianta rusai siulo? >>> >>>> vetuoja ne tyrima, o amerikosu rezoliucija, kuriame dar pries tyrima >>>> suverciama kalte rusams ir patvirtinama numanoma ataka, kaip faktas. >>>> Rusai gi visa laika siulo ir kitoki varianta su tyrimu. >>>> >>>> "gediminas" wrote in message news:pb1kdv$hv0$ >>>> >>>> O kodel Rusija JT vetuoja cheminiu ataku tyrima Sirijoj? >>>> >>>>> o tai tipo, balsavimas JT turetu but toks, koki JAV nurodo? Tiek >>>>> JAV , tiek Rusija yra tu rezoliuciju blokavusi, tad kieno marionete >>>>> ta JT? >>>>> >>>>> "vedarinis" <vedarai@kaip.gerai> schrieb im Newsbeitrag >>>>> news:pat9lr$anc$ >>>>>> Tam paciam straipsny parasyta, del ko JT yra tapus kacapyno >>>>>> marionete, jei ka. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> -- >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> "Gintas" <apsaugok nuo Tomo> Wrote in message: >>>>>>> ?Konvencij? pa?eidimas nesuteikia teis?s naudoti j?g??, ? sak? >>>>>>> pagalbos organizacijos ?Gydytojai be sien?? (MSF) teis?s klausim? >>>>>>> direktor? Francoise Saulnier. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- >>>>>> >>>> >>