Tema: Re: ?Kas suteikt? Pranc?zijai ir JAV teis? bombarduoti koki? nors valstyb???
Autorius: Audrys
Data: 2018-04-17 12:49:17
ir kuom tai patvirtina tavo kliedesiu apie rusu pazinima? Ar kliedesius apie 
tai kad rusai gales uzdraust paskelbt rezultatus?

"Salas"  wrote in message news:pb4dh0$t9m$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

Tai pateik ir tolimesni teksa, is kurio matosi, kad ir toliau tyrimas
butu kontroliuojamas:

"It would have further directed the mechanism to make full use of all
credible, verified and corroborated evidence collected by the OPCW
fact-finding mission, while also directing it to collect and examine
additional information and sources not obtained or prepared by the
mission, including all information provided by the Government of Syria
and others on the activities of non-State actors."

On 2018-04-17 10:40, Audrys wrote:
> By the terms of that text, the Council would have established a United 
> Nations independent mechanism of investigation