Tema: Re: ?Kas suteikt? Pranc?zijai ir JAV teis? bombarduoti koki? nors valstyb???
Autorius: Audrys
Data: 2018-04-17 13:27:26
kurioji vietoj tai parasyta? pacituok, nes nematau.
"Salas" wrote in message news:pb4gh9$d3$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
Tuo kad viskam vadovaus UN, o rusai juos blokuos.
On 2018-04-17 12:49, Audrys wrote:
> ir kuom tai patvirtina tavo kliedesiu apie rusu pazinima? Ar kliedesius
> apie tai kad rusai gales uzdraust paskelbt rezultatus?
> "Salas" wrote in message news:pb4dh0$t9m$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Tai pateik ir tolimesni teksa, is kurio matosi, kad ir toliau tyrimas
> butu kontroliuojamas:
> "It would have further directed the mechanism to make full use of all
> credible, verified and corroborated evidence collected by the OPCW
> fact-finding mission, while also directing it to collect and examine
> additional information and sources not obtained or prepared by the
> mission, including all information provided by the Government of Syria
> and others on the activities of non-State actors."
> On 2018-04-17 10:40, Audrys wrote:
>> By the terms of that text, the Council would have established a United
>> Nations independent mechanism of investigation