ejs wrote: > ALORA wrote: >> kur ji yra? kaip kenkia? > > trumpai išdėstyta http://www.askquestions.org/articles/ultrasound/ > Su nuorodomis. ir dar, iš http://www.plus-size-pregnancy.org/Prenatal%20Testing/prenataltest-ultrasoundsafety.htm#A%20Cautionary%20Tale For example, before ultrasound really came into use, doctors in the 1950s used X-rays on pregnant women to determine the baby's position, etc. In 1956, Dr. Alice M. Stewart, an epidemiologist with Oxford University, published a study on children who had been exposed to prenatal X-rays. She found that the children of mothers who had had these X-rays were almost twice as likely to have cancer as other children. Dr. Stewart's findings were met with outrage from her colleagues of the day, and she had great difficulties finding financing for other studies. Most OBs of that time period would have said that prenatal X-rays were perfectly safe. Yet they were not, and proof that they were unsafe was routinely discredited for many years. It is typical of obstetrics that it took about twenty years for her findings to be taken seriously. In the 1970s, her findings were duplicated by other scientists, and the use of prenatal X-rays largely ended (although they are still used to a small extent even today). -- ejs