Tema: Re: valstybės, kurių politinės sistemos mums nepriimtinos
Autorius: Romas Z.
Data: 2009-05-21 12:51:15
Pagal tarptautinę teisę vienas iš valstybės objektyvių požymių yra gyventojai :)
"GK" <kadagys@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:gv34vm$cts$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> The Miracles of Realism
> Vietnam teaches several lessons, the first of which is that the United States can have normal relations with countries
> whose political systems and ideologies it rejects.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I'm not interested in this NY Times article, only in the grammar of its openeing sentence: " ... countries whose
> political systems and ideologies it rejects"
> " ... countries whose ... " ? Interesting. I thought 'who' (whom, whose) was reserved for reference to nouns that
> denote people or other animate objects.