Ieškodamas internete atsiliepimų apie savo modelio IR galiu pateikti vieną piktą, bet, mano nuomone, visiškai teisingą komentarą: The tv looks good and picture quality is really good, the problem is the image retention, it's really bad and takes mere seconds for a logo to leave it's Mark on the screen, the manual says it's not recommended for video games or any images that leave a border on the screen such as blue ray which is ridiculous, why else would u want 4 hdmi slots other than blue ray and a gaming system, I am going to see how it is after some more use to see wether it leaves any permanent damage, be warned the manual also says the screen retention damage is not covered under the manafactures warranty which is a joke considering just how sensitive the screen is considering I have all the screen burn prevention settings on and have also lowered the contrast and brightness levels a great deal to the point where the picture just isn't vibrant enough which defeats the object of spending all that money on a tv. According to the manual u just shudnt use the tv as most channels have a still logo on them, when… dar vienas: Basically I have just got a Samsung PS50C550 and the image retention seems really bad, but I have no real frame of reference to gauge whether or not this is accurate, or something that decreases over time, etc. When reading up about it, I was under the impression that this was something that happened if something was on the screen for a large period of time, say watching an entire film on a TV with a channel logo, etc. However, this seems to retain the image really quickly - For example I just played a game of Transformers: War for Cybertron on the set. By the time the game had loaded, I switched the game off, and you could clearly see the entire loading screen, down to being able to clearly read the text etc. Am I right to think that this shouldn't be happening so quickly? We are talking an image being on screen for 2 minutes at the most its worth noting that it does gradually fade away (I imagine this is the difference between image burn and retention?) I also found a white/black/grey wipe on my TV which seems to get rid of the images fairly quickly. Tuo pačiu aptikau ir apie tą problemą PS50C7000 modelyje: I have been using this 50C7000 for just over a week now, gone through several burn in programs (running slides overnight etc) but I am still suffering from very bad albeit temporary image retention. The PS3 menus seem to be like a tattoo gun into the screen, with the top right clock being a notable culprit. I put on red dead redemption last night, nipped off to make a brew and had to play for the first 5 minutes with the title screen overlayed on my playing area. Now the funny thing is that my mate came over last night, he has a panny plasma (2010 low end model) and he says that he hasn't seen image retention like this on his. My colleague has the 63C7705 and I asked him to test the PS3 menus on his, it leaves nothing behind after 10 minutes of static PS3 menu. Why is mine so susceptible to image retention, when others are not? Well since i probably had more 50C7000 pass through my hand then some, i can say that my first set had no Image Retention on it whatsoever. I didn't do anything special just left it on Movie mode and reduced the cell light a bit. My second set was susceptible to image retention however, i found it very odd. I went through the same procedure nothing special, set it to Movie Mode and turned the cell light down. I also noticed the blacks on the second set was also a bit more lighter. Seems like a good idea to drag this up again, I replaced my 50C7000 yesterday (HDMI inputs died) and I got the PS50C7705 (Nordic model of the 7000) Now it has got about 6 hours on it and it seems (touch wood) that the panel is much more resistant to IR than the previous one. PS3 menus don't bother it quite so much, only downer with this one is that the Black Filter seems is applied unevenly, looking at a black screen in the dark you can see that it's a bit blotchy but it's not a deal breaker. Previous model was a July 2010 this is November 2010 and both are made in Hungary. I suffered from very bad IR on my 50C7000 initially, though to be fair now that it's a few weeks old it has gotten much better. PS3 clock is still tattoo like, but nowhere near as bad as it was when I first got it. so keep the contrast and cell light low, try to run as much full screen stuff as you can for a few weeks. Then let her rip. (PS50C7000)My three weeks old set has had both issues from new. Sometimes the image retention is visible even after less than a minute display of static images!Fortunately it dissappears quickly and completely and during movies it is not a problem. Panasonic'ais nesidomėjau, bet tuo pačiu aptikau daug nusiskundimų, kad praeitos kartos V10 modeliai pradeda kentėti nuo IR po 800 h, nors iki tol jis nepastebimas. Taip pat skundžiasi ir suprastėjusia juoda. Taip pat aptikau ir nusiskundimą, kad kol kas šios kartos G20 modelyje yra išdegęs Discovery logo ir žmogus niekaip negali jo išnaikinti. Kiti ramina, kad tai laikina ir logo kada nors tikrai išnyks. "RaR" <> wrote in message news:ignf4s$u9f$ > Dėl V20 nieko negaliu komentuoti, tik rašiau, kad ieškodamas IR jį > pastebėjau. Bet nežinau kiek jis normaliai žiūrint pastebimas, kažkaip > nelabai kas skundžiasi. Kad yra plazmų, kuriose jokio IR visiškai nėra - > nelabai tikisi. Kad yra modelių, kur jis nekelia jokių problemų - pilnai > galiu patikėti. > > Dėl Samsung PS50C550 galiu dar kartą pakartoti - taip, IR pas mane labai > pastebimas, ypatingai kai žiūri kažką tamsaus, o dauguma filmų tokie ir > yra. Pvz. kol įsijungęs vidinį medija grotuvą iš išorinio HDD išsirenki > kokį filmą žiūrėti, jo pradžioje jau kurį laiką stebi apačioje buvusio > meniu šešėlius. Kiek supratau iš atsiliepimų internete, tas IR stiprumas > tikriausiai priklauso nuo konkretaus egzemplioriaus. Juk kažkas ir čia > patvirtino, kad tame pačiame modelyje stebi ryškų IR, tai mini ir > internetinės apžvalgos, tik gal per daug neakcentuoja. > > Ar tas IR mažesnis C7000 modelyje negaliu pasakyti - tegul pasisako jį > naudojantys. Kam aktualu, gali pasiieškoti atsiliepimų internete ir > susidarys vaizdą. Žinau, kad labai nesinori tikėti kažkieno pastebėtais > išsirinkto modelio trūkumais, bet dažniausiai žmonės rašo tai, ką pastebi. > > > > > > 2011.01.13 19:41, spakainas rašė: >> Jo C7000 su V20. Jeigu kainuotų vienodai, tai V20 būtų geriau. Bet >> dabar, kai 500 lt skirtumas, manau kad samsungas valdo. >> Dėl RAR pastebėjimų - manau kad jam pačiam jie nelabai patinka, t.y. jis >> gi ir ant V20 šūdus krovė: mol lieka image retention, teip anaip. Čia >> kaip pažiūrėsi. >> Atsiliepkit C7000 vartotojai, kas ten negerai su tuo modeliu? Kol kas >> supratau tik tiek, kad maitblokis gali kartais pazyst, daugiau kaip ir >> nieko blogo? >> >>> ?>isvada: c7000 geriau uz p50g20? kaina aisku c7000 300 lt brangiau. >>>> vienzo kuo toliau i miska beskaitant komentarus tuos teliko biudzetas >>>> auga >>>> gaila kad nelabai yra kur palyginti modelius, tenka pasikliaut >>>> komentarais >>> >>> Man rodos C7000 reiktų lyginti su V20 modeliu. Aš vis tik turbūt imčiau >>> V20. Kažkaip nepatiko RaR pastebėjimai apie jo C550 plazma. >>