Tema: Re: Kas kiek keičiat akumuliatorių?
Autorius: Lawrence Jamieson
Data: 2021-02-03 14:01:17
2021-02-03 13:40, Dainiushas rašė:
> jei atvirai, tai man sunkiai pagrindžiama ta beletristika. O vat kad
> IBS'as pames savo skaičius - daugiau nei akivaizdu. Ir juodu ant balto
> parašyta prie klemos nieko daugiau nejungt. Na bet kiekvienas gi turi
> teisę tikėt savo versija..... :)
Ple, ple, Dainiušai...
Va tau ištrauka iš Peugeot 306 user manualo kur visokiais akumų
managementais net nekvepia ir ta įrodo jų instrukcijos krauti akuma
atjungus jį nuo automobilio elektros sistemos.
To charge the battery using a battery charger:
- Disconnect the battery, starting with the negative (-) terminal.
- Follow the instructions for use given by the battery charger manufacturer.
- Reconnect starting with the positive (+) terminal.
- Check that the terminals and connectors are clean. If they are covered
with sul-phate deposits (white or greenish deposit), disconnect them and
clean them.
To start the vehicle and charge the battery from another battery:
Ensure that the connections are good:
- Connect the red cable to the positive (+) terminals of the two batteries.
- Connect one end of the green or black cable to the negative (-)
terminal of theslave battery.
- Connect the other end of the green or black cable to an earth point on
thebroken down vehicle as far as possible from the battery.
Operate the starter, let the engine run.
Wait for the engine to return to idle, and disconnect the cables