na nemanau, kad kas nos iš šio kolektyvinio dienoraščio dalyvių praleidžia bent vieną komentarą. aš štai rimtai susidomėjau jūsų pakalta problema dėl knygų adaptacijų. ir aptikau tokį štai judėjimą: "law and literature movement", kurio esmė - įstatymas, kaip literatūrinė interpretacija "The law in literature view is specifically concerned with the way in which legal situations are presented in literature. Generally, they place a high value on the "independent" view from which literary writers are able to see the law. They believe that such authors have a lesson to teach legal scholars and lawyers alike about the human condition, and the law's effect on it. Such scholars tend to cite authors like Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, Herman Melville, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Charles Dickens. The fictional situations presented in literature, these scholars assert, can tell a great deal about political and social situations, and the individual that often find themselves before the court. For example, Robert Weisberg believes that the law in literature offers fertile possibilities. He suggests that even though some literature can not instruct its readers about legal situations, they can still educate law students about the human condition."(wikipedia). atvirksčiai, tokie kaip Ronald Dworkin iš Yale universiteto, kurie apie Vakarus jau kalba kaip "Post West countrys" bando literatūrą interpretuoti pagal "čikagos berniukų ir co sukurtus kosmopolitinius įstatymus. "Ronald Dworkin also supports the arguments in favor of the use of literature to improve legal understanding. In his article, Law as Interpretation, Dworkin stated, "I propose that we can improve our understanding of law by comparing legal interpretation with interpretation in other fields of knowledge, particularly literature." He believes that our interpretations of literary works may help us to an improved understanding of our cultural environment, which in turn helps us to come to a better understanding and interpretation of the law." -- Komentuoju straipsnį