Tema: Re: Laiškai [en]
Autorius: Toxis@ze_yval_place
Data: 2011-03-17 09:07:54
man labiausiai patinka komentarai po apachia, ten buna tokiu nerealiu 
diskusiju, kad myzhtelt galima..

dar patiko
Dear Twilight fans,
Thanks for making us look normal
"zZz" <zZz@zirzilia.lt> wrote in message 
> Dear Noah,
> We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.
> Sincerely,
> Unicorns
> Dear Twilight fans,
> Please realize that because vampires are dead and have no blood pumping 
> through them, they can never get an erection.
> Enjoy fantasizing about that.
> Sincerely,
> Logic
> Dear Icebergs,
> Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma's a bitch.
> Sincerely,
> The Titanic
> Dear J.K. Rowling,
> Your books are entirely unrealistic.. I mean, a ginger kid with two 
> friends?
> Sincerely,
> Anonymous
> Dear America,
> You produced Miley Cyrus. Bieber is your punishment.
> Sincerely,
> Canada
> Dear Yahoo,
> I've never heard anyone say, "I don't know, let's Yahoo! it..." just 
> saying...
> Sincerely,
> Google
> Dear 2010,
> So I hear the best rapper is white and the president is black? WTF 
> happened?!
> Sincerely,
> 1985
> Dear Windshield Wipers,
> Can't touch this.
> Sincerely,
> That Little Triangle
> Dear girls who have been dumped,
> There are plenty of fish in the sea... Just kidding! They're all dead.
> Sincerely,
> BP
> Dear Saturn,
> I liked it, so I put a ring on it.
> Sincerely,
> God
> Dear Michael Jackson,
> You really should have became a Catholic Priest. The pay isn't great, but 
> the benefits....
> Sincerely, The Pope
> Dear jf;ldsfa/kvsmmklnn,
> Please lknvfdmv.xvn.
> Sincerely, Stevie Wonder
> Dear Nickleback,
> That's enough.
> Sincerely, The World
> Dear Skin-Colored Band Aids,
> Please make one for every skin color.
> Sincerely, Black people
> Dear Scissors,
> I feel your pain.....no one wants to run with me either.
> Sincerely, Sarah Palin
> Dear Mary,
> Just admit that you slept with someone else. This is getting out of hand.
> Sincerely, Joseph
> Dear Osama Bin Laden,
> Marco....
> Sincerely, United States
> Dear World of Warcraft,
> Thank you for ensuring my son's virginity.
> Sincerely, Parents Everywhere
> Dear Anne Frank,
> Two can play this game....
> Sincerely, Waldo
> Dear Batman,
> What was your power again?
> Sincerely, Superman
> Dear Customers,
> Yes, we ARE making fun of you in Vietnamese.
> Sincerely, Nail Salon Ladies
> Dear Global Warming,
> You're the best imaginary friend ever!
> Sincerely, Al Gore
> Dear Ugly People,
> You're welcome.
> Sincerely, Alcohol
> Dear Mr. Gump
> WTF are you talking about? There's a little diagram on the lid that tells 
> you EXACTLY what you're gonna get....
> Sincerely, Jenny
> Dear Katy Perry,
> I liked the kiss too.
> Sincerely, Justin Beiber
> Dear Haiti,
> Is it too early to ask what's shakin'?
> Sincerely,
> Seriously Going To Hell
> Dear Martin Luther King Jr.
> I have a dream within a dream within a dream within another dream.... What 
> now?
> Sincerely,
> Leonardo Di Caprio
> Dear World,
> Please stop freaking out about 2012. Our calendars ends there because some 
> Spanish d-bags invaded our country and we got a little busy ok?
> Sincerely,
> The Mayans
> Dear Snooki,
> Sincerely,
> Willy Wonka
> Dear White People,
> Don't you just hate immigrants?
> Sincerely,
> Native Americans
> Dear iPhone,
> Please stop spellchecking all of my rude words into nice words. You piece 
> of shut.
> Sincerely,
> Every iPhone User
> Dear Giant Spider on the Wall,
> Please die. Please die. Please die. Please die. CRAP! Where did you go?
> Sincerely,
> Terrified
> Dear Trash,
> At least you get picked up...
> Sincerely,
> The Girls of Jersey Shore
> Dear Man,
> It's cute, but can you pick up peanuts with it?
> Sincerely,
> Elephant
> Dear Dr. Phil,
> Look man, there's only room for one fake doctor in this world and I was 
> here first.
> Sincerely,
> Dr. Pepper