Tema: Re: atlikejai
Autorius: Anwe
Data: 2010-08-06 11:57:32
Manau šiandien geriau pagalvok apie savaitgalį :)
Love, Peace & Flower Power

"D2r" <asd@google.lt> wrote in message 
> geras atsakymas... tikriausiai google tau taip patare?
> rasyk apie ka man geriau galvot.. gal ir pagalvosiu geriau
> "Anwe" <vardenis.pavardenis@ne.lt> wrote in message 
> news:i3gh74$t2j$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Tu nebūk Kullamae ir geriau pagalvok.
>> "D2r" <asd@google.lt> wrote in message 
>> news:i3f117$ebt$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Paskaityk cia: 
>>> http://ec.europa.eu/environment/enveco/taxation/pdf/vat_final.pdf ir 
>>> nekulk galvos jei nezinai kaip dorai ta galva iskult
>>> Istrauka is nuorodos:
>>> Table 7.1: Summary of VAT Rates for Food in the EU (Source: European 
>>> Commission,
>>> 2008a)
>>> Standard
>>> Rate (%)
>>> Food Rate
>>> (%) Notes
>>> BE 21 6, 12, 21
>>> BG 20 20
>>> CZ 19 5
>>> DK 25 25
>>> DE 19 7, 19
>>> EE 18 18
>>> EL 19 9
>>> ES 16 4, 7
>>> Reduced rate of 7% for sales of food, animals and certain
>>> types of products for agricultural purposes
>>> FR 19.6 5.5, 19.6
>>> IE 21 0, 4.8, 13.5
>>> Zero rate for food and drink for human consumption,
>>> this excludes soft drinks, ice cream and confectionery.
>>> IT 20 4, 10
>>> Italy imposes a 'super-reduced' VAT rate on food products
>>> CY 15 0, 5, 15
>>> Zero rate for food & drink for human consumption (excl.
>>> catering, certain products such as alcoholic and manufactured
>>> beverages, ice-cream, chocolate, confectionery,
>>> biscuits and savoury products)
>>> LV 18 5, 18 Reduced rate for products for infants only
>>> LT 18 5, 18
>>> LU 15 3 'Super-reduced' VAT rate on food products.
>>> HU 20 20
>>> MT 18 0
>>> Some confectionery at 5%. Zero rate for food for human/
>>> animal consumption, except supplies of precooked
>>> dishes and highly processed products e.g. icecream,
>>> chocolates, manufactured beverages or those subject
>>> to excise duty, petfoods. Seeds and farm animals
>>> also zero rated.
>>> NL 19 6 Reduced rate for most agricultural/food products.
>>> AT 20 10 Reduced rate is applied to food, agricultural inputs.
>>> PL 22 3, 7, 22
>>> PT 21 5, 12, 21
>>> RO 19 19
>>> SI 20 8.5
>>> SK 19 19
>>> FI 22 17
>>> SE 25 12, 25
>>> UK 17.5 0, 17.5
>>> Zero-rate for food (except "luxury" foods) and nearly all
>>> agricultural products (except for horses).
>>> "Anwe" <vardenis.pavardenis@ne.lt> wrote in message 
>>> news:i3epo3$6n0$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>O kaip kažkur Europoj išskaičiavo 21 proc. kažkokiom prekių 
>>>>kategorijoms? Ir kaip 33 proc.?
>>>> "D2r" <asd@google.lt> wrote in message 
>>>> news:i3enk5$49h$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> atsakymas aiskus kaip diena.. nes musu valdininkai kazkada kazkur 
>>>>> girdejo kad kazkur europoje yra 21 proc pvm. ir nesvarbu kad tik 
>>>>> kazkokiom prekiu kategorijoms, nesvarbu kad i tas kategorijas toli 
>>>>> grazu neiena butinojo reikalingumo prekes o praktishkai tik alkogolis 
>>>>> ir t.t. Px jiems ant to... jie sako kitur taip yra reiskia ir pas mus 
>>>>> taip bus... t.y. nesiparina, neskaido prekes i kategorijas bet visiems 
>>>>> ipiso 21 proc.. aciu dievui jie negirdejo kad kazkur yra 33% :)
>>>>> Idiotai
>>>>> "Raulis" <Raulis@omni.lt> wrote in message 
>>>>> news:i3do5v$nfd$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>>O kodėl pėvėemas 21 procentas? Atsakyk