Skamba kaip blogas vertinys iš anglų kalbos. Spėju, kad anglų kalbos originalas buvo "to solve the riddle and to explain (clarify) it". Net galima sakyti "to shed some light on it". Romas Z. wrote: > Tas, kas rašė tą sakinį, nelabai draugauja su kalbos jausmu. > > Man „nušvisti“ tinka tik, kai, pvz., sakoma „nušvisti iš džiaugsmo > (laimės)“. > Nes vienas pats nušvisti gali koks miestas ar kalėdinė eglutė, kai > lempas įjungia. > > Šiuo atveju labiau tiktų „patirtį nušvitimą“ ar pan., kad skaitant tas > „nušvisti“ neatrodytų juokingai. > > > > "Junda" <> wrote in message > news:h575q8$c3r$ >> Va koks sakinys (paskutinis): >> Budistinėje eroje Maldur Atai sąvoka buvo apibrėžiama kaip esmės >> vieta. Šventų budistinių raštų paskutinis puslapis visada likdavo >> tuščias (vėliau šios praktikos buvo atsisakyta). Šį puslapį budistai >> taip pat vadino Maldur Atai. Perskaitęs šventuosius raštus, vienuolis >> turėdavo įminti paskutinio, tuščiojo puslapio mįslę ir nušvisti. >> >> >> >> On 2009.08.02 13:28, GK wrote: >>> Kokius sakinius jums reikia versti, kur tas žodis nušvitimas >>> vartojamas? >>> >>> >>> Illumination >>> >>> >>> From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia >>> >>> Search Wiktionary >>> <> Look up >>> /*illumination <>*/ >>> inWiktionary </wiki/Wiktionary>, the free dictionary. >>> >>> *Illumination*, an observable property and effect of light >>> </wiki/Light>, may also refer to: >>> >>> * Illumination (lighting) </wiki/Illumination_%28lighting%29>, the >>> use of light sources >>> * Illumination (image) </wiki/Illumination_%28image%29>, the use of >>> light and shadow in art >>> * Illumination (manuscript) </wiki/Illumination_%28manuscript%29>, >>> the artistic decoration of hand-written texts >>> * Global illumination </wiki/Global_illumination>, algorithms used >>> in computer graphics to add realistic lighting to 3D scenes >>> * "Illumination </wiki/Light_%28theology%29>" in theological terms, >>> is spiritual information or wisdom, as transmitted through >>> spiritual means such as through divine presence >>> </wiki/Divine_presence> >>> >>> >>> Illuminism >>> >>> >>> From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia >>> >>> *Illuminism* is a belief system whereby a believer makes a claim >>> that he >>> has been illuminated or experienced enlightenment of a spiritual >>> </wiki/Spirituality> nature. >>> >>> >>> [edit </w/index.php?title=Illuminism&action=edit§ion=1>]History >>> of Term >>> >>> It would be correct to say, both etymologically and conceptually, that >>> an illumination and enlightenment can be used interchangeably as >>> regards >>> to spiritual matters. It is an archaic term deriving from the French >>> </wiki/French_language> /illuminer/. The term has been used in modern >>> times primarily with respect to and by secret societies >>> </wiki/Secret_society>, for the most part, orders that have modeled >>> their practices after the mystery cults </wiki/Mystery_cult> of the >>> Hellenic </wiki/Ancient_Greece> world, which flourished around the >>> Mediterranean </wiki/Mediterranean> coast and Near East >>> </wiki/Near_East> at the period when the Roman Empire >>> </wiki/Roman_Empire> dominated the region and its cultures. >>> >>> The word *Illuminism*, when used as a proper noun, refers specifically >>> to the form of enlightenment or illumination that is a part of >>> advancement in the ranks of various secret societies that claim a >>> common >>> origin with the Illuminati </wiki/Illuminati>. As such it is an >>> important concept within Discordianism </wiki/Discordianism> as well. >>> The idea of Illumination can be usefully compared to Enlightenment >>> </wiki/Enlightenment_%28concept%29>, Grace </wiki/Divine_grace>, >>> andSatori </wiki/Satori> in other spiritual traditions. >>> >>> >>> >>> Rimantas Liubertas wrote: >>>>> Kalba eina apie budistų vienuolius Nepale, kurie ten skaitydami >>>>> šventuosius raštus, patiria nušvitimą. Tinka ILLUMINATION? Net per tą >>>>> nušvitimą jie neva išeina iš materialiojo pasaulio į dvasinį. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> "In religious use, enlightenment is most closely associated with South >>>> and East Asian religious experience, being used to translate words >>>> such as (in Buddhism) nirvana, bodhi or satori, or (in Hinduism) >>>> moksha." >>>> >>>> >>>> ic >> >