Tema: Re: Problema su Viadrus KKK ir akumuliacine talpa
Autorius: kaiser
Data: 2016-10-28 08:18:32
Vakar norėjau pasižaisti su siurblių greičiais. Kai su senuoju, esančiu 
prie akumuliacinės, viskas aišku (trys padėtys), tai krovimo mazgo 
siurblio valdymas šiek tiek kito lygio...
Siurblys Grundfos UPM3 Auto L (Runs with all self-controlled modes and 
curves, except AUTOADAPT). Gali jis veikt 3 režimais (PP, CP, CC), kurių 
kiekvienas turi tris pakopas.

* Proportional pressure (PP) - The head (pressure) is reduced at falling 
heat demand and increased at rising heat demand.
The duty point of the circulator will move up or down on the selected 
proportional-pressure curve, depending on the heat demand in the system.

* Constant pressure (CP) - The head (pressure) is kept constant, 
irrespective of the heat demand.
The duty point of the circulator will move out or in on the selected 
constant-pressure curve, depending on the heat demand in the system.

* Constant curve (CC) - The circulator runs on a constant curve, which 
means that it runs at a constant speed or power.
The duty point of the circulator moves up or down on the selected 
constant curve, depending on the heat demand in the system.

Nenumanau, kuris režimas mano atveju tikslingas. CP?