Tema: Re: Ribinis pavedimas — kaip išversti > EN ?
Autorius: Sail
Data: 2010-05-31 15:41:47
Na tamsta kazkodel tingite paklausti interneto. O atsakymas tikriausiai 

Limit orders
You place a limit order in order to buy or sell a stock at a price you 
specify (the limit) or better. A limit order to buy would be executed at the 
limit or lower, while a limit order to sell would be executed at the limit 
or higher. You always place a buy limit order below the current stock price, 
and a sell limit order above the current stock price.

"GK" <kadagys@hotmail.com> wrote in message 
> Ribinis pavedimas ? pavedimas pirkti ar parduoti pavedime nurodytą 
> finansinę priemonę už pavedime nurodytą ar
> geresnę kainą ir pavedime nurodytais kiekiais.