Tema: Re: Ribinis pavedimas — kaip i?versti > EN ?
Autorius: Sail
Data: 2010-06-01 11:25:14
Paklausiau googlo "share order types", ir po 0.25 sek pirmas pasitaikes 
adresas http://www.tdwaterhouse.co.uk/learn/shares/buying.cfm dave atsakyma.

Na man gal paprasciau, as kartas nuperku - parduodu akciju ar valiutos.

"GK" <kadagys@hotmail.com> wrote in message 
> Taip nėra, kas mane pažįsta žino, kad aš tikrai ne tinginys.  Atidžiai 
> ieškojau.  O kur jūs radote, jei galima žinoti?
> On 2010.05.31 22:41, Sail wrote:
>> Na tamsta kazkodel tingite paklausti interneto. O atsakymas tikriausiai
>> toks:
>> Limit orders
>> You place a limit order in order to buy or sell a stock at a price you
>> specify (the limit) or better. A limit order to buy would be executed at 
>> the
>> limit or lower, while a limit order to sell would be executed at the 
>> limit
>> or higher. You always place a buy limit order below the current stock 
>> price,
>> and a sell limit order above the current stock price.
>> "GK"<kadagys@hotmail.com>  wrote in message
>> news:htvqst$m62$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Ribinis pavedimas ? pavedimas pirkti ar parduoti pavedime nurodyt?
>>> finansinæ priemonæ u? pavedime nurodyt? ar
>>> geresnæ kain? ir pavedime nurodytais kiekiais.