Tema: Re: Dyzelgeitas
Autorius: jtdm <[]@[].[]>
Data: 2016-09-23 09:17:59
o tai paciam nedaeina, kad visa tai tarpusavyje susije, tame tarpe ir su 
DPF? Vitas salia paprastai ir aiskiai tai paaiskino.

On 2016.09.23 09:12, Dainiushas wrote:
> apie NOx ir sąnaudas, turinčias atpist hibridus
> On 9/23/2016 9:00 AM, jtdm wrote:
>> tai apie ka?
>> On 2016.09.23 08:33, Dainiushas wrote:
>>> ne apie DPF'ą čia
>>> On 9/23/2016 8:12 AM, mantas wrote:
>>>> https://euobserver.com/dieselgate/135179
>>>> Many car companies admitted to national authorities that their
>>>>  cars were switching off, or turning down their emissions control
>>>>  system during certain conditions on the road. They said they did
>>>>  so because it was technologically not possible to have the system
>>>>  running full time without harming the engine.
>>>> Tai isvada, kad dpf gadina varikli?
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