2011.03.03 09:15, Toxis@ze_yval_place rašė: > naudoja kaip pagrindine transporo priemone) - todel, zhinant, kad musu > keliu infrastrukturoje yra DAUG problemu net pagrindinem transporto > priemonem(automobiliams/autobusams/troleibusams), tiketis, kad valstybe > visu pirma prades tvarkyti mazhumai piliechiu opias problemas yra kaip > minimum naivu, o jei atvirai - savanaudishka... Taupymą savanaudiškumu vadinti tik visiškas šešelgis, nes skaičiai rodo ką kita: Economic Return of the Bicycle Network: * Every $1 spent on the network generates $3.88 back to the community * Fewer cars means $97.8 million in decongestion benefits * Decongestion benefits of $4.07 per trip for every commuter switching from car to bicycle * Average cost savings of $1.34 per trip for each motorist switching to a bicycle * Average fare savings of between $1.60 and $2.20 per trip for every public transport commuter switching to a bicycle * Net benefit of $506 million over 30 years (in today’s dollars). Informacija paimta iš Sidnėjaus savivaldybės: http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/AboutSydney/ParkingAndTransport/Cycling/EcononmicResearchCycling.asp#link3