Tema: Skaitytojų tasi masi. Šimtas septintoji savaitė
Autorius: britva, faktai, faktai
Data: 2012-05-13 14:12:21
In 1992, the Maharishi began to send groups of Yogic Flyers to India,
America, China and Brazil in an effort to increase global peace through a
"coherent world consciousness"
The Maharishi crowned Tony Nader as the Maharaja (king) of the GCWP in
2000. The GCWP unsuccessfully attempted to establish a sovereign microstate
when it offered USD 1.3 billion to the President of Suriname for a 200-year
lease of 3,500 acres (14 km2) of land and in 2002, attempted to choose a
king for the Talamanca, a "remote Indian reservation" in Costa Rica.
In 2001, followers of the Maharishi founded Maharishi Vedic City a few
miles north of Fairfield, Iowa in the United States. This new city requires
that the construction of its homes and buildings be done according to the
Maharishi Sthapatya Veda principles of "harmony with nature"
Taigi, karūnuotasis naujasis "dvasinis" karalius (vietoj popiežiaus?:)
taip pat yra HARVARDO auklėtinis... jei ką... Mirė šis "guru" 2008
Nyderlanduose... tikėkimės jo idėjos irgi
Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/lmenas/?st_id=19700