On 2010.08.28 06:17, shimtas kinieciu wrote: > o kas yra nuo fokin fokin fokin? ;) fuck: a difficult word to trace, in part because it was taboo to the editors of the original OED when the "F" volume was compiled, 1893-97. Written form only attested from early 16c. OED 2nd edition cites 1503, in the form fukkit; earliest appearance of current spelling is 1535 -- "Bischops ... may fuck thair fill and be vnmaryit" [Sir David Lyndesay, "Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaits"], but presumably it is a much more ancient word than that, simply one that wasn't likely to be written in the kind of texts that have survived from O.E. and M.E. Buck cites proper name John le Fucker from 1278. The word apparently is hinted at in a scurrilous 15c. poem, titled "Flen flyys," written in bastard L. and M.E. The relevant line reads: Non sunt in celi quia fuccant uuiuys of heli "They [the monks] are not in heaven because they fuck the wives of Ely." Fuccant is pseudo-Latin, and in the original it is written in cipher. The earliest examples of the word otherwise are from Scottish, which suggests a Scandinavian origin, perhaps from a word akin to Norwegian dialectal fukka "copulate," or Swedish dialectal focka "copulate, strike, push," and fock "penis." Another theory traces it to M.E. fyke, fike "move restlessly, fidget," which also meant "dally, flirt," and probably is from a general North Sea Germanic word, cf. M.Du. fokken, Ger. ficken "fuck," earlier "make quick movements to and fro, flick," still earlier "itch, scratch;" the vulgar sense attested from 16c. This would parallel in sense the usual M.E. slang term for "have sexual intercourse," swive, from O.E. swifan "to move lightly over, sweep" (see swivel). Chronology and phonology rule out Shipley's attempt to derive it from M.E. firk "to press hard, beat." As a noun, it dates from 1680. French foutre and Italian fottere look like the English word but are unrelated, derived rather from L. futuere, which is perhaps from PIE base *bhau(t)- "knock, strike off," extended via a figurative use "from the sexual application of violent action" [Shipley; cf. the sexual slang use of bang, etc.]. Popular and Internet derivations from acronyms (and the "pluck yew" fable) are merely ingenious trifling. The O.E. word was hæman, from ham "dwelling, home," with a sense of "take home, co-habit." Fuck was outlawed in print in England (by the Obscene Publications Act, 1857) and the U.S. (by the Comstock Act, 1873). The word may have been shunned in print, but it continued in conversation, especially among soldiers during WWI. It became so common that an effective way for the soldier to express this emotion was to omit this word. Thus if a sergeant said, 'Get your ----ing rifles!' it was understood as a matter of routine. But if he said 'Get your rifles!' there was an immediate implication of urgency and danger. [John Brophy, "Songs and Slang of the British Soldier: 1914-1918," pub. 1930] The legal barriers broke down in the 20th century, with the "Ulysses" decision (U.S., 1933) and "Lady Chatterley's Lover" (U.S., 1959; U.K., 1960). Johnson excluded the word, and fuck wasn't in a single English language dictionary from 1795 to 1965. "The Penguin Dictionary" broke the taboo in the latter year. Houghton Mifflin followed, in 1969, with "The American Heritage Dictionary," but it also published a "Clean Green" edition without the word, to assure itself access to the lucrative public high school market. The abbreviation F (or eff) probably began as euphemistic, but by 1943 it was being used as a cuss word, too. In 1948, the publishers of "The Naked and the Dead" persuaded Norman Mailer to use the euphemism fug instead. When Mailer later was introduced to Dorothy Parker, she greeted him with, "So you're the man who can't spell 'fuck' " [The quip sometimes is attributed to Tallulah Bankhead]. Hemingway used muck in "For whom the Bell Tolls" (1940). The major breakthrough in publication was James Jones' "From Here to Eternity" (1950), with 50 fucks (down from 258 in the original manuscript). Egyptian legal agreements from the 23rd Dynasty (749-21 B.C.E.) frequently include the phrase, "If you do not obey this decree, may a donkey copulate with you!" [Reinhold Aman, "Maledicta," Summer 1977]. Fuck-all "nothing" first recorded 1960. Verbal phrase fuck up "to ruin, spoil, destroy" first attested c.1916. A widespread group of Slavic words (cf. Pol. pierdolić) can mean both "fornicate" and "make a mistake." Fuck off attested from 1929; as a command to depart, by 1944. Flying fuck originally meant "have sex on horseback" and is first attested c.1800 in broadside ballad "New Feats of Horsemanship." For the unkillable urban legend that this word is an acronym of some sort (a fiction traceable on the Internet to 1995 but probably predating that) see here, and also here. Related: Fucked; fucking. Agent noun fucker attested from 1590s in literal sense; by 1893 as a term of abuse (or admiration). > > "Romas Z." <juozeta@jahu.kom> wrote in message > news:i595oi$760$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >> Kažkada man atrodė, kad rusų 'bled' yra nuo anglų 'bloody'. >> >> >> >> "shimtas kinieciu" <tehdrama@gramar.nazi> wrote in message >> news:i594q3$6kg$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >> rasho normalei. kalba taip anaip visaip. >> o regejes tai jio, bet adaptuoja bladi pasauly prie bladi saves, taigi >> labai bladi karinininkas buves kazkur bladi folklenduose ar kur tai.. ;) >> >> >> "Romas Z." <juozeta@jahu.kom> wrote in message >> news:i594eh$6bo$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >>> Taip greit rašo, kad nespėji skaityt? ;) >>> >>> Dėl britų akcentų ir posakių tu teisus. Su jais bendraut yra >>> permanent challenge, nebent žmogus pasaulio regėjęs ir savo akcentą >>> bei leksiką prie international English adaptavęs. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> "shimtas kinieciu" <tehdrama@gramar.nazi> wrote in message >>> news:i5912g$3uf$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >>> fig. jeigu bendraujam daugeusei su skondinavais tai nei uk nei us >>> neiprieko. >>> ir ypac uk netinka nes viens nacialnikas grynas britas buves karuose >>> visokiuose ir varo savo baiseis britishkais akcentais ir posakeis ir >>> dar >>> baiseis greiceis ;) >>> >>> >>> "Romas Z." <juozeta@jahu.kom> wrote in message >>> news:i590mm$3o5$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >>>> Tiesą sakant, esu kažkur matęs. O verčiama, kad žinotum, kaip >>>> spelinti ;) >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> "shimtas kinieciu" <tehdrama@gramar.nazi> wrote in message >>>> news:i58vle$2vk$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >>>> tik va kodel ta intl english ner sutinkama konpuose - o vercema >>>> rinktis tarp >>>> uk ir us variantu... ;) >>>> >>>> "Romas Z." <juozeta@jahu.kom> wrote in message >>>> news:i58vdk$2np$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >>>>> >>>>>> jog tik su "go to" yra gerai.... Zodziu stengsiuos per daug is jos >>>>>> neperimti, nors "often" su "t" jau prilipo... :( >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Yra toks dalykas, kaip 'international English'. Tai yra >>>>> standartine anglu kalba, be pretenziju i Queen's English ar Black >>>>> English. Tai yra tokia kalba, kurios moko visose pasaulio >>>>> mokyklose ir kuria isgirdes supranti, kad zmogus nera 'native >>>>> speaker', bet jis kalba taisyklingai. Jei zmogus nera uzauges >>>>> anglakalbeje aplinkoje, jis realiai niekada nekalbes kaip 'native >>>>> speaker', bet to jam ir nereikia - jam svarbiausia suprasti ir kad >>>>> ji suprastu. >>>>> >>>>> Tai va, kvailiausiai (atsiprasau uz epiteta) atrodo tokie nelabai >>>>> mokantys anglu kalba zmogeliai, kurie kazkodel truks plys bando >>>>> pamegdzioti arba Queen's English, arba Alabamos ar Obamos akcenta. >>>>> Tai kazkas panasaus i rusa meginanti kalbeti zemaitiskai. Taigi, >>>>> jei nemoki kalbos tiek, kad tave laikytu bent jau gyvenusiu >>>>> anglakalbeje salyje, tai geriau nemegink sakyti 'ofTen', nes, >>>>> geriausiu atveju, atrodys, kad tave mokes mokytojas yra >>>>> nekompetentingas. >>>> >>> >>