Tema: Biblija
Autorius: Romas Z.
Data: 2009-10-10 10:55:01


Catholic religion is based on a mistranslation.
The Septuagint scholars mistranslated the Hebrew word for "young woman"...
.... into the Greek word for "virgin".
It was an easy mistake to make...
.... because there was only a subtle difference in the spelling.
So, they came up with a prophecy:
"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear us a son."
It's not everyday a virgin conceives and bears a son.
But leave that for a couple of hundred years to stew...
.... and next thing you know you have the Holy Catholic Church.


Panašiai, kaip yra anekdotas, kad buvo parašyta "celebrate", tačiau perrašinėjant bibliją (kai vienas vienuolis 
diktuodavo, o dešimtys rašydavo) įsivėlė spelingo klaida ir tapo "celibate" :)

Beje, originalus Biblijos tekstas nėra išlikęs, tik, berods, pirmas ar antras vertimas.