Tema: Re: Motociklai VS Range Rover
Autorius: Icetom
Data: 2013-10-03 15:53:00
> Abipuse kalte.

Kokia dar abipusė kaltė. Reikia nepamiršti, kad ten ne LT. RR vairuotoją 
galima visiškai suprasti. Gyvenant tokiame metropolyke kaip NY ar kokiame LA 
taip pat elgčiausi tokioje situacijoje.  Vienas komentaras:

"I was in my car 100 yards behind the RR. I had been traveling up the west 
side highway from 14th street. This mass of 100+ bikers were breaking laws, 
intimidating drivers, bumping cars as they went by. I even saw bikers go on 
the other side of the highway (the part where there is just a curb) into 
oncoming traffic and jump back over just to get around traffic. Aside from 
the erratic speeds they were swerving and coming extremely close to cars at 
very high speeds.

I have seen this in NYC before, if you honk at them they will pull next to 
your car and punch your window, threaten a fight or hit it with a metal 
baton. In this case there were 100+ of them, they wanted someone to roll 
down their window or get out of your car.

On this day at this time, these guys were looking for trouble and looking 
for a fight.

I am not saying that everyone of these bikers were bad dudes, but when you 
choose to run in a pack, the whole pack gets labeled.

I read that when he first stopped the RR, not only did someone try to slash 
his tires but they began pounding on the the window on his wife and child's 

I would have done exactly the same thing if it would have happen to me and 
my family.

Like I said I live in HARLEM and see this all the time - the NYPD needs to 
do something about it. "
