Tema: Re: Sumaišė... :)
Autorius: CodeC
Data: 2015-09-07 19:52:48
jei istversi visa straipsni:


On 2015.09.07 19:37, CodeC wrote:
> kurie siaip yra fail by design labai nemazai kur:
> In Sweden the use of daytime running lights (DRL) was made mandatory on
> 1 October 1977 for all motor vehicles at once, during all seasons and
> for all areas. According to a study conducted by Andersson and Nilsson
> (1981) [Andersson and Nilsson. VTI Swedish Road and Transport Research
> Institute, Report No. 208A; 1981] the introduction of DRL resulted in a
> reduction of 11% of multiple accidents during daytime. In many
> discussions on the effectiveness of DRL, these findings have been
> considered as the strongest evidence that the use of DRL is an effective
> vehicle collision countermeasure. The present study reexamines this
> evidence and shows that the reported 11% effect of DRL in the Swedish
> study is spurious. The effect is mainly the result of the application of
> a model that shows selective effects of DRL through modelling of
> unexplained changes in the number of single accidents. It is concluded
> that the Swedish data fail to show a clear effect of DRL.
> On 2015.09.07 10:02, budulis vulgaris wrote:
>> 2015-09-07 09:59, CodeC rašė:
>>> o privalomos istisus metus ir istisa para yra tik treciojo bloko
>>> postsovietinese europos salyse, kur istatymus kuria ir raso ne savo
>>> galva, o copy-paste nuo kaimynu, puse nesuprate...
>> Bet tai copy Paste jie nuo skandinavų padarė, kurie, nei trečio bloko,
>> nei postsovietinės šalys :)