O tu bent perskaitei ta savo linka visa? Pvz pradzioj? What causes homosexuality? No one knows why some people are homosexual. Some people who study human sexuality believe that sexuality is a result of genetics, social or individual factors, alone or in combination. A common misperception is that troubled family relationships cause people to be homosexual, but no scientifically sound research supports this myth. Ir Is homosexuality a disease? No, homosexuality is not a disease. All major mental health organizations, including the American Psychological Association (APA), have stated that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. Being unsure or uncomfortable about your feelings can cause anxiety and stress, which can sometimes cause physical problems like trouble sleeping, nausea and headache. Talking with people about how you feel, such as trusted family members and friends, can help reduce your stress and anxiety. O tu bandai irodyti kad tai liga ir kad tuos zmones reikia pasmerkti. Uz ka? O homofobija tai liga ar ne? :) What is homophobia? Homophobia refers to an irrational fear, prejudice or discrimination towards homosexuals. Homophobia can take many forms, from name-calling and teasing to serious crimes like assault and murder. Homophobia is most often based on fear and ignorance. "Vinetu" wrote in message news:i8migp$33u$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... :D Tau atrodo, kad as nesu tvirtas savo isitikinimuose? :) Ok, specialiai tau (nu gal googlas neveikia pas taves). Jaunimas daznai uzduoda psichologams tokius klausimus (tikiuosi anglishkai skaitai): Q: I think I might be gay. How will I know if I really am? A: You will eventually figure it out. You may consider different options or even experiment to determine what you are happy and comfortable with. The process may take a long time, and the decisions you make may be difficult for you and other people to accept. Kad nemanytum, kad is pirsto islauziau, se tau linka: http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/children/teens/sexuality/739.html Taigi, kaip matai, yra abejojancio jaunimo. Jie nera isitikine ar jie homoseksualus ar heteroseksualus. Tam reikia laiko, kad suprast. O cia tik pyst ir mada homoseksualumo, paradai, grazus pasisakymai, lankstinukai, klipateles. Uhu kaip smagu. Sakykim 50% is abejojanciuju del savo orientacijos tikrai homoseksualus, o kiti 50% pasiduoda siai bangai, o po keliu metu supranta, kad jie visgi heteroseksualus. Ir kaip toliau gyvent kai jau apsiskelbei visiems, kad esi homoseksualus, o pasirodo klydai? Taip, kad nereikia lialia ir pasakot kad tokie pypdaru lindimai i eteri nedaro ir neigiamos itakos besiformuojanciam jaunuoliui (-ei). "amenox" <amenox@gmail.com> wrote in message news:i8mc7c$nqq$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > Manes nereikia, tu save itikink pradziai. :) >