Tema: Re: Lietuva isbris pirmutine. TVF - NE.
Autorius: abc
Data: 2009-09-26 03:19:45
papildysiu savo posta del TVF (kodel ju visiskai nereikia klausyti, nes jie 
patarineja atvirksciai, nei naudinga valstybei), visai netycia aptikau idomu 
nenauja straipsni, kas skaitot angliskai, dalinuosi zemiau:

''My favorite example is New Zealand back in the 1980s. Every year from the 
1970s through the 1980s, New Zealand ran a budget deficit and a trade 
deficit. Every year the IMF said, “You must raise your taxes and cut the 
value of your currency to try to balance your budget and run a trade 
surplus.” So New Zealand would do that, and every year the deficit got worse 
and their trade imbalance grew larger. They did this for five or six years 
and it got worse every time they did it—every time they followed the IMF 
tactic of raising taxes and cutting the value of the currency.

Finally New Zealand Treasury Secretary Graham Scott (Secretary from 1986–93) 
told the IMF, “Don’t ever come back here. Everything you’ve told us to do 
has proven to be utterly worthless. We’re going the other way. We’re 
slashing taxes.” From I think a 75% marginal tax rate, over the course of 
five years, they cut it to like 18%. And every year they took in more 
money—more money—every time they cut taxes they took in more money. And when 
they strengthened their currency, their exports picked up; as their currency 
got stronger, they exported more stuff. Isn’t it fascinating?
TGR: That’s the paradox.

DG: It got to be so interesting—it wasn’t Gordon Campbell—I’m trying to 
remember; I just went blank for his name. But he passed the baton on to a 
woman by the name of Ruth Richardson, who was a little more leftwing than 
her predecessor—the tax rate was down to a flat 18%. They asked her if she 
was going to cut it again, and she said, “You know, I don’t think I can cut 
it any more; I can’t spend the revenue I am taking in now.” It’s a classic 
line. So, what does she do? They actually started raising the tax rates 
again, and what happened? Tax revenues fell.

But New Zealand had taught a lot of people that cutting taxes and 
strengthening your currency is the best thing you can do. And as they were 
cutting taxes, they kept cutting prohibitions and regulations; they kept 
chopping them back. They were the real precursors of the Free Market 
Movement that developed in the early ’90s and the early ’00s.''

visas straipsnis cia http://www.marketoracle.net/Article8434.html (kas 
idomiausia, autorius netgi mini Baltic States, ir netgi teigiamame 

"abc" <stogas.raudonas@cerpemis.dengtas> wrote in message 
> Valdzia yra kritikuojama uz skolinimasi nie viesai ir didelemis 
> palukanomis.
> Zemiau pateikiamas vienas idomus faktas, kodel tai yra kur kas geriau, nei
> skolintis is TVF/IMF (dar sklando kalbos, kad TVF, skolindami pinigus,
> reikalauja uzstato/garantijos):
> ''SDR nėra valiuta, ji yra derivatyvas. Ji susideda iš valiutų krepšelio
> (USD, EUR, GBP ir JPY), išreikštų procentine sudėtimi sudarant viena SDR.
> Šiai dienai: (2006–2010) USD:0.6320 (44%), EUR:0.4100 (34%), JPY:18.4 
> (11%),
> GBP:0.0903 (11%), t. y. 1vnt SDR susideda iš = $0.632 + €0.41 + ?18.4 +
> £0.0903.
> Pvz: Ukraina pasiskolinus 100 SDR lieka skolinga: 63,2 dolerius, 41 eurą,
> 1840 jenų ir 9,03 svaro.
> Procentinė išraiška nusprendžiama vieną karta per 5 metus IMF vykdomojo
> komiteto posėdyje atsižvelgiant į vienos ar kitos valiutos svarbą
> tarptautinėje prekyboje. SDR buvo sukurtas pakeisti auksą kaip nekintamą
> vertybę ir naudojamas IMF apskaitoje tik jis. Bet kadangi tai nėra 
> valiuta,
> tai ja paskola negali būti išduota fiziškai, o tik vykdoma apskaita, taip
> kad dažniausiais paskolos yra išduodamos $, o apskaitomos SDR. Kadangi 
> visos
> valiutos sudarančios SDR yra kotiruojamos Forex'e tai vieno ženklų
> nuvertėjimą atsveria kita - zero-sum game. Nes Forex dualinė rinka, kur
> vienas vertės matas išreiškiamas kitu vertės matu.
> Tokiu būdu IMF niekada neliks pralošusiu. Kad ir minėtas atvejis su 
> Ukraina:
> Paskola ji gauna USD.
> Skolinga SDR.
> Kitas IMF posėdis 2010 metais. IMF remdamasi tik jiems žinomais metodais
> nustato kad situacija pasaulinėj prekyboj pasikeitė ir nustato kitus SDR
> sudedamųjų valiutų procentus (pvz. nusprendžia kad EUR ir JPY dalis 
> ženkliai
> išaugo arba net įveda naujas valiutas kaip AUD, CAD ir pan.). Ko pasekoje 
> UA
> jau reikės skola atidavinėti su didesne EUR ir JPY dalimi. Šiame reikale 
> aš
> matau tik viena laimėtoja - IMF, UA bet kokiu atveju skola teks gražinti
> tikrąją/realiąja jos verte, nesvarbu kokios sąlygos bebūtų.''