Tema: Re: Kazkokia uzkeikta vieta Asanaviciutes g.
Autorius: Yvl
Data: 2012-10-03 16:05:03
zhek, kaip sykis Briukselio naujienas pacituosiu:
“The Parliament has agreed to Council’s position on not mandating ABS on scooters (50 to 125cc), it has also agreed with the Council on limiting the anti-tampering provisions to lesser powered motorcycles only and making them manufacturer obligations only, so categories L3eA2 and L3eA3 (high and medium performance bikes) are entirely excluded from the anti-tampering measures.The Parliament has also agreed to not having detailed EU rules on Individual Approval in this Regulation, with this left to national rules”.

"Dainiushas" <skirdain@gmail.com> wrote in message news:k4hbda$4sj$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> ooo, onlajninis daGtaras?
> On 2012.10.03 15:33, Yvl wrote:
>> ne nu bet tu tikrai meningitu persirges...
>> "Dainiushas" <skirdain@gmail.com> wrote in message news:k4hb7l$4mm$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> nu tai norit ieškot ekstremalių pojūčių su senais šūdais, nesiskųskit radę