Tema: Re: Kod?l vyrauja dyzeliai
Autorius: 中国百强
Data: 2019-01-30 11:08:52
nėra taip kad nebūtų taip buvę. bet neantiek baisei bigdyl. anot fake-news 
internetų ;)


Another headline about a fiery Tesla crash has people wondering if those 
lithium ion batteries are safe.

"A battery powered vehicle having a fire incident is newsworthy. A gasoline 
powered vehicle having a fire is newsworthy only if it stops traffic,"

Are electric cars more likely to catch fire?

The simple answer is probably not. Chances are they might even be safer, 
though it's tough to say that definitively.

"The propensity and severity of fires and explosions from ... lithium ion 
battery systems are anticipated to be somewhat comparable to or perhaps 
slightly less than those for gasoline or diesel vehicular fuels," according 
to the results of an in-depth investigation into the relative fire risks of 
the two types of vehicles

"Herkus"  wrote in message news:q2rfti$65m$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

As apie masina


"Tomas" <rublis@brangs.ru> Wrote in message:
> Batarke ishsiputusia? Turejau, net telefo korpusas ishsipute ir pro plyshi 
> matesi akumas. Nelaukiau kol sprogs.
> "Herkus" <H@h.lt> wrote in message 
> news:q2pu5d$3ps$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Matei nors viena taip sprogusia ar vistik fantazuoji?
>> -- 
>> "Tomas" <rublis@brangs.ru> Wrote in message:
>>> Nesi mates mobiliako ishsiputusios batarkes? Kazkur rashe, kad sprogus 
>>> kishenej zhmogu nejuokais suzheide, tai speju elektromobilio sprogimo 
>>> atveju farshas turetu buti ishtashkytas kokiu 10-20 metru spinduliu,
>>> "svyt" <juzila@mail.ru> wrote in message 
>>> news:q2pc8l$l5m$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> Tai man kazkaip labai
>>>> strigo, ir nenoriu benzinines juolab dujines masinos ne uz ka.
>>>> Tai kai pasirode dizeliai vienas pirmuju isigijau, ir kai juos
>>>> uzdraus ko gero sesiu i elektrine, nors ji ko gero > -- 
>>>> /svyt
>>>> eSSas <trach@tibid.ax> Wrote in message:
>>>>> On 28/01/2019 20:30, Teisybes Dele wrote:
>>>>>>>>> dizelis
>>>>>>>>>   nedega po avarijos,
>>>>>>>> vienas autosportininkas nesenai dyzelini bmw sudegino ir be 
>>>>>>>> avarijos
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