Ačiū, Laume, už gerą nuorodą! Šia proga noriu pasidalinti kuo tai panašiu: The points of defeat are: abandoning the thesis, different thesis, contradicting the thesis, renouncing the thesis, different reason, different topic, meaningless, unintelligible topic, incoherent, mistimed, incomplete, redundancy, repetition, non-reiterating, not understanding, lack of idea, evasion, admission of the opponent’s opinion, overlooking the objectionable, objecting the unobjectionable, deviating from a tenet and pseudo-reasons. Detalus kiekvieno iš jų paaiškinimas - Alberto Todeschini straipsnyje „Twenty-Two Ways to Lose a Debate: A Gricean Look at the Nya¯yasu¯tra’s Points of Defeat“, J Indian Philos (2010) 38:49–74. (PDF) Dar reiktų paaiškinti: Nyaya logic - i.e. “ancient Indian science of right reasoning and correct knowledge”). Nyaya states that discussion (vada) proceeds by means of the free use of syllogisms and aims at the ascertainment of truth. But it often degenerates into mere wrangling (jalpa), which aims at effect of victory and cavil (vitanda), which delights in criticism for its own sake. Such a futile discussion can be put an end to by convicting the opponent of his error and forcing him to accept defeat. Labai gaila, kad Logikos nėra Lietuvos mokyklų programose. Kaip prie sovietų pašalino (aišku, kokiais tikslais), taip iki šiol ir negrąžino :-( -- Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/satenai/?st_id=17351