Tema: Re: Civiliu aukos
Autorius: Piktuolis
Data: 2014-07-22 20:26:28
On 2014-07-22 19:52, Gintas wrote:
> Na, JAV prezidentas sneka , kad Izraelis okupaves Palestinos zemes.  Jeigu kiti sneka kitaip, vadinasi arba JAV prezidentas melavo arba meluoja kiti. Tamsta kaip manai: ar JAV prezidentas melagis ar ne?

Tiesiog pasaulis supranta kuo okupacija skiriasi nuo aneksijos.

Ir šiap, patikslinkim citatą: "The point of departure for permanent 
status negotiations to realize this vision seems clear: There should be 
an end to the occupation that began in 1967. The agreement must 
establish Palestine as a homeland for the Palestinian people, just as 
Israel is a homeland for the Jewish people. These negotiations must 
ensure that Israel has secure, recognized, and defensible borders. And 
they must ensure that the state of Palestine is viable, contiguous, 
sovereign, and independent."

Dar: "Security is fundamental. No agreement and no Palestinian state 
will be born of terror. I reaffirm America's steadfast commitment to 
Israel's security."