Tema: Re: Vai vai, ka daryt, ka daryt?
Autorius: Signalizacija
Data: 2012-10-05 20:35:04
Tai bl kas tinkama ir kas netinkama as ir be laimio zinau. Jis tik verke,
kad neranda diodziuku kur sviecia >100lm/W
Beje, jei nezinojai tai ir liuminescencines siltu spalvu prasciau sviecia, o
sodos lempos namuose irgi nelabai tinka
"KEdas" <news.omnitel.net@-trinti-katalogai.net> wrote in message
> Eik pas daktarus. Rimtai.
> Laimis jau kelis kartus pakartojo, kad 6000K netinkami buitiniam
> apsvietimui, 25 laipsniai sanduroje yra tik laboratorijose, o tu vel meti
> tuos pacius skaicius.
> 2012.10.05 16:04, Signalizacija rase:
>> Publication date: 2 October 2012
>> The new XLamp XP-E2 LEDs from Cree are claimed to deliver more lumens
>> per watt and lumens per dollar to lower system costs for existing XP-E
>> and XP-G designs. The new LEDs can increase the light output of existing
>> XP-E designs at the same cost and power or reduce the system cost with
>> fewer LEDs, enabling lighting manufacturers to deliver better lighting
>> systems with minimal redesign.
>> The LEDs have the standard XP footprint (3.45 x 3.45 mm) and are
>> optically compatible with all XP LED versions, including the popular
>> XP-E and XP-G. The LEDs generate cool white light (6000 K) at up to *128
>> lm/W at 350 mA and 85