Tema: Re: Sakinio supratimas
Autorius: Dream-Colored Bunny
Data: 2011-01-10 15:51:37
Nelabai supratau apie ką eina kalba, bet "effectively" versčiau kaip "faktiškai".
"Junda" <junda@dtiltas.lt> wrote in message news:iges7e$59f$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Kaip interpretuotumėte, verstumėte šį sakinį. Ypač domina, kaip
> suprantate tą 'effectively'?
> Greece became the 10th member of the then European community in 1981,
> just seven years after the fall of the military dictatorship that had
> ruled it since 1967 – but, effectively, after a long postwar history of
> instability, which included a bloody civil war following a violent
> occupation by the Axis powers in the second world war.