Tema: Re: dirbkit darba, gaukit pinigus
Autorius: Yvl
Data: 2015-01-30 11:30:04
bleble. zanro klasika. beje, is "uzsienio" irgi panasiu perlu kartais 
ateina. retai, bet ateina.

"Zhegonskas"  wrote in message news:mafhu6$3ec$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

neteisingai atsakei. vat kaip mazdaug "reikia":

Dear Jack
Thank‘s  for your answer. I think about meet whit you.  It‘s ok for you
next week .  Please let me now what day  and time. I need to bay ticket
for plane.
I disscuss about other condicions  for your company   and I can promiss
we find compromise.

Thank‘s  for replay a.s.a.p
Head of export department