Tema: Re: Cia tikrasis Alvidon Siaubas
Autorius: abc
Data: 2009-11-03 00:30:57
Kad butu maziau sumaisties, rakursas i istorija:

There exists irrefutable documentary evidence of a further role of. 
international bankers and industrialists in the financing of the Nazi Party 
and the Volkspartie for the March 1933 German election. A total of three 
million Reichmarks was subscribed by prominent firms and businessmen, 
suitably "washed" through an account at the Delbruck Schickler Bank, and 
then passed into the hands of Rudolf Hess for use by Hitler and the NSDAP. 
This transfer of funds was followed by the Reichstag fire, abrogation of 
constitutional rights, and consolidation of Nazi power.


tokiu nuorodu apsciai internete
jeigu netinka saltinis, prasau - pirkit knyga, gal isgaruos iliuzijos del 
to, kas sukelia karus


''Pool is able to give us a compelling report about who really financed the 
Nazi-party and why Hitler had friends in high places, and that despite the 
fact that many first hand historical documents disappeared.
First, there was the fear for communism (Fritz Thyssen, Henri Deterding of 
Royal Dutch, Norman Montagu of the Bank of England ...). These people 
supported Hitler's party to win the working class and the ruined lower 
middle class away from communism.
Secondly, his anti-semitism (Henry Ford). Third, his racist/nationalist 
stance (the secret Thule society: a group of lawyers, judges, professors, 
policemen, aristocrats, scientists and businessmen). Fourth, friendly 
régimes (Mussolini).
And last but not least, the donations of his party members and his daily 
newspaper (a milk cow).
Pool gives us a penetrating picture of the political/economical situation in 
Germany after the First World War: the unbearable Versailles Treaty, the 
poverty, the unemployment, the hopeless division of the political parties 
and the plotting of von Papen and his backers, who supported Hitler when his 
party was losing support, for fear that his followers would jump over to the 
communists. Von Papen thought that after the elections, he would easily get 
rid of Hitler, a terrible mistake.
Pool convinced me of the ease with which money can subvert the democratic 
One of the more controversial statements in this book is the reason of the 
abdication of King Edward VIII of England: not because of Mrs. Simpson, but 
because of his pro-Nazi attitude. This statement needed more underpinning.''

"BishopaZ" <bishopaz@centras.lt> wrote in message 
> vel fleimini ?
> valstybe ar laikmeti prasom
> "Alvidon" <alvs_nospam_@takas.lt> wrote in message 
> news:hc75vs$jcl$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Aik tu, savi jau "gerai susipazine" tituluoji ? ;)