Tema: Re: Cia tikrasis Alvidon Siaubas
Autorius: Alvidon
Data: 2009-11-03 16:30:35
Samokslo teorijos - visuomeninis/socialinis amžino variklio analogas.
Lygiai tiek pat vertas dėmesio.
Jei tesugebi mastyti citatomis - gal paaug inkarnaciją-kitą, žiū ir pakilsi
iki mano supratimo lygio. O tai daba tik maždaug "Jelcinas sugriovė 
CCCP" - nu nifiga sebie jėgelės tas Jelcins turėjo, tikrs Dievs musie.

"abc" <stogas.raudonas@cerpemis.dengtas> wrote in message news:hcnmj0$jr7$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Kad butu maziau sumaisties, rakursas i istorija:
> There exists irrefutable documentary evidence of a further role of. 
> international bankers and industrialists in the financing of the Nazi Party 
> and the Volkspartie for the March 1933 German election. A total of three 
> million Reichmarks was subscribed by prominent firms and businessmen, 
> suitably "washed" through an account at the Delbruck Schickler Bank, and 
> then passed into the hands of Rudolf Hess for use by Hitler and the NSDAP. 
> This transfer of funds was followed by the Reichstag fire, abrogation of 
> constitutional rights, and consolidation of Nazi power.
> http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_07.htm
> tokiu nuorodu apsciai internete
> jeigu netinka saltinis, prasau - pirkit knyga, gal isgaruos iliuzijos del 
> to, kas sukelia karus
> http://www.amazon.com/Who-Financed-Hitler-Funding-1919-1933/dp/0671760831
> ''Pool is able to give us a compelling report about who really financed the 
> Nazi-party and why Hitler had friends in high places, and that despite the 
> fact that many first hand historical documents disappeared.
> First, there was the fear for communism (Fritz Thyssen, Henri Deterding of 
> Royal Dutch, Norman Montagu of the Bank of England ...). These people 
> supported Hitler's party to win the working class and the ruined lower 
> middle class away from communism.
> Secondly, his anti-semitism (Henry Ford). Third, his racist/nationalist 
> stance (the secret Thule society: a group of lawyers, judges, professors, 
> policemen, aristocrats, scientists and businessmen). Fourth, friendly 
> régimes (Mussolini).
> And last but not least, the donations of his party members and his daily 
> newspaper (a milk cow).
> Pool gives us a penetrating picture of the political/economical situation in 
> Germany after the First World War: the unbearable Versailles Treaty, the 
> poverty, the unemployment, the hopeless division of the political parties 
> and the plotting of von Papen and his backers, who supported Hitler when his 
> party was losing support, for fear that his followers would jump over to the 
> communists. Von Papen thought that after the elections, he would easily get 
> rid of Hitler, a terrible mistake.
> Pool convinced me of the ease with which money can subvert the democratic 
> process.
> One of the more controversial statements in this book is the reason of the 
> abdication of King Edward VIII of England: not because of Mrs. Simpson, but 
> because of his pro-Nazi attitude. This statement needed more underpinning.''
> "BishopaZ" <bishopaz@centras.lt> wrote in message 
> news:hc91s2$ha8$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> vel fleimini ?
>> valstybe ar laikmeti prasom
>> "Alvidon" <alvs_nospam_@takas.lt> wrote in message 
>> news:hc75vs$jcl$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Aik tu, savi jau "gerai susipazine" tituluoji ? ;)