Tema: Re: euro
Autorius: GK
Data: 2010-11-25 01:52:48
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    <big><big><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://australian-animals.net/wallaroo.htm">http://australian-animals.net/wallaroo.htm</a><br>
      <center><b><font color="#800000">WALLAROO (Euro) </font></b><img
          src="cid:part1.03080501.06000808@hotmail.com" width="32"
    <a href="http://www.afrigalah.com/"><img
        src="cid:part2.00020602.04060504@hotmail.com" alt="click for
        info on pic" width="300" align="right" border="2" height="251"
    <h2><font color="#800000">Is a Wallaroo a Kangaroo ?</font></h2>
      There are 4 main types of "Kangaroo like" animals<br>
      1) <a href="http://users.tpg.com.au/readmana/red.htm">Red
        Kangaroo</a> <br>
      2) Grey Kangaroo <br>
      3) Wallaby <br>
      4) Wallaroo (Euro)<br>
      These are all mammals, and are termed marsupials because they keep
      their young in a pouch
      They are the only vertrabrate animal over 5 kg to HOP
      <font color="#800000">Common Wallaroo or Euro</font>
      In eastern Australia it is a grey animal and is called the Common
      Wallaroo, (1/2 way between a WALLaby and a kangAROO in size)<br>
      In central and western Australia it is reddish, lives in hot, arid
      regions and is known as the Euro.<br>
      But essentially they are the same animal.<br>
      The above statement is a non-scientific generalisation as their
      are many species &amp; sub species of Wallaroos<br>
      <a href="http://www.wildcare.com.au/"><img
          src="cid:part3.00090306.01090603@hotmail.com" alt="click for
          info on pic" width="200" align="left" border="2" height="217"
      <a href="http://community.webshots.com/user/steveaxford"><img
          src="cid:part4.08030900.01070205@hotmail.com" alt="click for
          info on pic" width="330" align="right" border="2" height="208"
      <font color="#800000">Description</font><br>
      Wallaroos have bare muzzles and relatively large ears<br>
      Head and body: 55-110cm<br>
      Tail: 53-90cm<br>
      Male Wallaroos are as much as twice the weight of females (Males
      up to 40 -50 Kilograms).<br>
      the Infant born to a Wallaroo is called a Joey<br>
      Wallaroos are quiet animals using foot thumping to warn each other
      of danger, When annoyed they may
      "hiss or cough".<br>
      <center><font color="#800000">Habits</font></center>
      <a href="http://www.richardanderson.org/photos/australia.html"><img
          src="cid:part5.09060704.02070301@hotmail.com" alt="click for
          info on pic" width="245" align="left" border="2" height="164"
      The Wallaroo is a solitary animal, preferring its own company<br>
      During the day the Wallaroo sleeps a in shelter, usually under a
      rock overhang on a rock strewn slope or in a cave on the upper
      parts of an escarpment.<br>
      At night the Wallaroo descends to graze on more level ground, such
      diverse areas from forest to arid tussock grassland, to the edge
      of plains.<br>
      Because of this habit, the damage it sometimes causes to crops or
      pastures is often blamed on plains-dwelling kangaroos.) The
      Wallaroo will stay in its own home range which is fairly small
      (usually 2-3 km radius)Wallaroos have bare muzzles and relatively
      large ears
      <a href="http://www.afrigalah.com/"><img
          src="cid:part6.03050807.08040905@hotmail.com" alt="click for
          info on pic" width="250" align="right" border="2" height="237"
      <font color="#800000">Dry Spell Habits</font>
      In dry spells,the Wallaroo can survive obtaining all necessary
      water <br>
      from its food, so long as moisture bearing food is available. <br>
      By staying in caves during the day energy is conserved<br>
      Their loss of water is similar to a camel only 2-4 % of their <br>
      body weight per day<br>
      Wallaroos also breed less when conditions are harsh, and unlike
      the Kangaroo will stay put and "tough it out" in severe droughts<br>
      <font color="#800000">Breeding</font><br>
      Sexual maturity is reached between 18 and 24 months. <br>
      Wallaroos breed through out the year. <br>
      A single young Wallaroo is born, a hairless creature the size of a
      peanut which crawls up to the mothers pouch, burrows inside and
      attaches itself to a teat. <br>
      The infant Wallaroo can stay up to a year in its mothers pouch</h3>
    On 2010.11.24 08:47, Romas Z. wrote:
    <blockquote cite="mid:ichcpf$h2a$1@trimpas.omnitel.net" type="cite">Latviai
      sako "eiro", bet jiems tai draudžiama ;)
      Bulgarai norėjo ant euro banknotų matyti užrašą kirilica (graikams
      tai leido), bet jiems parodė špygą.
      Visur politika.
      "AS"  wrote in message <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="news:ich949$c7m$1@trimpas.omnitel.net">news:ich949$c7m$1@trimpas.omnitel.net</a>...
      "Romas Z." <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:romas@z.lt">&lt;romas@z.lt&gt;</a> wrote in message
      <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="news:icgvnt$vhj$1@trimpas.omnitel.net">news:icgvnt$vhj$1@trimpas.omnitel.net</a>...
      <blockquote type="cite">Tai kad visi sako "a hundred euros".
        O raso (oficialiai) "EUR 10,000", par example: "Total budget
        amounted to EUR 10,123.12".
      Visi sako "eurai", bet pagal tuos pacius standartus draudziama.
      Tai ir
      suprask galu gale...