Tema: Re: Apie A juosta
Autorius: KEdas
Data: 2009-05-08 13:26:05
esquires ra:
> henderson, nv
> "KEdas" <non@[[trinti]]katalogai.net> wrote in message 
> news:gu0p6r$nu6$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> esquires ra:
>>> tai taip, susisiekimo sistema, kuri veikia konkreciame mieste paskutinius 
>>> 50
>> Koks tas konkretus miestas? 

Na, bet tu ir mgsti veidu  kakuius kristi. :)

The city is served by Citizens Area Transit (CAT) with its network of 
*bus* routes which run throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
Henderson is linked with one *railroad* line, which is the Henderson 
spur of the Union Pacific Railroad.

One of the Most *Walkable* Cities
Prevention magazine tapped Henderson in 2007 as the sixth best walking 
city in America ahead of San Diego, California and just behind Seattle, 
Washington.[6] Henderson has more than 37 miles (60 km) of trails.

Kam miestui, kuriame utenka AA reikalingos HOV linijos? Gal kad ne po 
vien vainti? Bet tada AA jau yra beveik autobuso atitikmuo ir 
nutolstama nuo svokos asmeninis

"In a connected community, the transportation system is designed in such 
a way that *alternatives* to automobile use are possible, and vehicular 
congestion throughout the community is minimized. *Public* *transit* is 
designed in a way that citizens find it convenient and feel safe and 
comfortable using it. "

"Future development will be planned to accommodate *pedestrians* and 
*bicycles* along *all* streets via an enhanced network of *connected* 

O k tame "vien automobili" mieste veikia dvirai takai?

tariu, kad tai net ne miestas, o Las Vegas miegamasis rajonas: 
"Henderson is located 15 minutes from the world famous Las Vegas Strip."
Darbas vyksta kakur kitur.

Pairjus  planuojam darb pobd, tai ir kamiai ten turbt jau 
ST-018. Repave with storm drain and traffic calming
ST-034. Widen from 2 to 4 lanes with ITS Infrastructure
ST-130. Widen to 6 lanes with grade separation at Lake Las Vegas Parkway