Tema: Re: Ukraina - Vakaru pozicija
Autorius: RaR
Data: 2014-04-03 08:52:07
Na jo, tikrai esi trolis, nevertas laiko gaišinimo...

On 2014.04.02 21:48, Gintas wrote:
> Amerikonai irgi tapo dauguma tiktai po to, kai isnaikino indenus. Beje-Valstijos ikurtos tik bene 7m anksciau, nei Krymas Rusijos valdzion pateko.
> Ka tai reikstu? Jei Kryma totoriams, tai Amerika indenams?
> "RaR" <RaR@lt.lt> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:lhhkl2$e9o$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Na jo, daugiau kaip šimtą metų priklausė Rusijai - tai juk "iskonno
>> russkije zemli". Po to (nesvarbu kas ir kaip priskyrė) - tik beveik
>> šešiasdešimt metų Ukrainai. Tai gal yra ir kitų pretendentų - totoriai,
>> kurie prieš rusų užgrobimą ir po to keliaetapį etninį valymą ten turėjo
>> valstybę apie pusę tūkstančio metų. Beje, rusai dauguma Kryme tapo tik
>> po paskutinio įvykdyto totorių genocido, dešimtmetį prieš priskiriant
>> Ukrainai. O gal dar prisiminsim graikus ar genujiečius? Juk ir visus
>> pagrindinius miestus anie pastatė, rusai tik kai kuriuos pervadino?
>> Šiaip jau galima būtų ginčytis kam Krymas turėtų ir norėtų priklausyti,
>> bet būdas, kuriuo jis buvo aneksuotas, jokių ginčų negali kelti. Tai
>> vienareikšmiškai nepriimtina šiais laikais - bet koks referendumas esant
>> įvestai kitos šalies kariuomenei yra neteisėtas, ypač kai jis
>> surengiamas per savaitę nuo užgrobimo. Kai sovietai įvedė savo
>> kariuomenę, Lietuva irgi "pasiprašė" priimama į SSSR. O dar turint omeny
>> Rusijos, JAV ir D.Britanijos įsipareigojimus užtikrinti Ukrainos
>> teritorinį vientisumą jai atsisakant branduolinio ginklo - šita aneksija
>> tiesiog griauna bet kokius pasaulio tvarkos ir stabilumo likučius. Kaip
>> dabar įkalbėti bet kurią šalį atsisakyti branduolinio ginklo ar jo
>> nekurti - juk visi įsitikino kad visos tos garantijos nieko nereiškia.
>> Putino mentalitetas vis tik nedatempia iki reikiamo minimumo vadovauti
>> didelei šaliai. Jis taip ir liko gatvės chuliganas.
>> 2014.04.02 20:37, Gintas rašė:
>>> sutinku  kazkokie pazadai nieko nereiskia.
>>> Kazkada kazkoks Chrusciovas leido Kryma priskirt Ukraina. Kryma , kuris buvo Rusijos jau daugiau nei simta metu!  Ar klause kas krymieciu? Kita vertus: koks skirtumas  darnioje seimoje, kurio sutuoktinio VMI deklaracijoje iforminamas vyro turetas deimantas? Bedos prasideda, kai isiskiriant pamirstama, kas buvo to deimanto savininkas ir kodel jis buvo irasytas zmonos deklaracijoje.
>>> Primenu-kai Krymas perejo Ukrainos zinion, tenais gyvenantiems zmonems tai  nieko daug nepakeite. Tie patys pasai, galimybe naudot rusu kalba, nebuvo sienu. Viskas pasikeite, kai sutuoktiniai issiskyre :)
>>> "RaR" <RaR@lt.lt> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:lhhfh8$b4r$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> Tai aišku kad priklausė. O ką tie kažkokie pažadai reiškia - kad koks
>>>> nors Klintonas kažką leptelėjo kokiam nors Jelcinui? Juk net tokios
>>>> sutarties dėl to nestojimo nebuvo, o ir, manau, negalėjo būti, nes jokia
>>>> trečia šalis negali uždrausti kitoms sudaryti kažkokias joms naudingas
>>>> sutartis. O Rytų Europos šalių įstojimas į NATO atitiko tiek JAV, tiek
>>>> tų šalių interesus, tiek ir vakarietiškos demokratijos plitimo pasaulyje
>>>> idealus. Neabejoju, kad tai atitiko ir visų NATO senbuvių interesus, nes
>>>> visada saugiau laikyti neprognozuojamą žvėrį toliau nuo savęs. Ir,
>>>> manau, buvo padaryta klaida atidėjus Gruzijos bei Ukrainos stojimo į
>>>> NATO procesą (beje, pagrinde tos pačios Vokietijos pastangomis) - rusai
>>>> iš karto pradėjo ten lįsti, nes sumažėjo tikimybė kad gaus per galvą.
>>>> Šiaip jau Vokietijos reiškimasis tarptautinėje arenoje paprastai tik
>>>> sukeldavo saugumo problemų, o ne jas išspręsdavo, tad galėtų jie dar
>>>> kurį laiką aktyviai nesireikšti, kad ir su savo sugalvota "realpolitik",
>>>> t.y. iš esmės makiaveliška politika be jokių pamatinių vertybių ir principų.
>>>> 2014.04.02 17:17, Gintas rašė:
>>>>> Tik nesakyk, kad Lietuvos istojimas i NATO nepriklause nuo JAV poziurio i si reikala. O jei priklause, tai JAV galejo vykdyti savo pazada ir nepritarti Lietuvos stojimui i NATO. Galejome istinti is to noro, bet butume neistoje, jei JAV butu nesutikusi :)  Suma sumarum-JAV netesejo duoto pazado del NATO pletimosi i rytus.
>>>>> "RaR" <RaR@lt.lt> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:lhh51s$5v4$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>> Tipiškas didelės valstybės atstovo mąstymas, neturinčio esminių vertybių
>>>>>> ir nelabai suprantančio vykstančių procesų. Visko net neperskaičiau, bet
>>>>>> tokie "pragmatiškų vakariečių", beje, dažniausiai vokiečių, pamąstymai
>>>>>> jau daugybę kartų girdėti. Keletas momentų.
>>>>>> Krymo atvejo lyginimas su Kosovu, Libija ar Sirija yra visiškai ne
>>>>>> vietoje. Kosove JAV įsikišo labai nenoriai, kai vyko albanų genocidas ir
>>>>>> visi trimitavo kad reikia kažką daryti, bet nebuvo kam. Libijoje irgi
>>>>>> įsikišo tik tada, kai žudynės vyko pilnu tempu. Sirijoje neįsikišo net
>>>>>> tada, kai buvo peržengta iš anksto nubrėžta raudona linija - panaudotas
>>>>>> cheminis ginklas. Ir apskritai sakyti, kad  JAV siekė nuversti sau
>>>>>> neparankius režimus galima tik Afganistano ir antrojo Irako karo atveju,
>>>>>> bet tuomet buvo baisus įsiutis dėl 9/11 ir Bušas turėjo kažkam smogti -
>>>>>> nesvarbu kam. Visais gi arabų pavasario atvejais JAV tiesiog palaikė
>>>>>> demokratines permainas, nesvarbu, kad daugumoje atveju ten buvo JAV
>>>>>> palankūs diktatoriški režimai ir grasino ateiti ne tokie palankūs,
>>>>>> musulmoniški, ypač taip buvo Egipto atveju.
>>>>>> Be to JAV nieko neaneksavo ir nesiruošia aneksuoti, nebent pabando
>>>>>> sukurti demokratiją, bet aišku, nepriaugusiose iki to visuomenėse tai be
>>>>>> galo nedėkingas užsiėmimas - Artimuosiuose Rytuose daug sunkiau nei
>>>>>> Japonijoje ar Pietų Korėjoje. Putinas gi be jokių skrupulų, visiškai
>>>>>> ciniškai užgrobė ir aneksavo kitos šalies teritoriją, visiškai be jokio
>>>>>> preteksto.
>>>>>> Dėl NATO plėtimosi. Laimei, kad vokiečiai to nesprendžia, nes daugelio
>>>>>> tokių "pragmatikų" požiūriu mes iki šiol turėtume tupėti SSSR idant
>>>>>> negriautume vakarams palankaus Gorbačiovo režimo. O jeigu šiuo metu
>>>>>> nebūtume NATO, mus, tikriausiai, jau būtų ištikęs Krymo likimas. Tie
>>>>>> "pragmatikai" niekaip negali suprasti, kad kai kurie procesai tiesiog
>>>>>> vyksta šalių viduje nepriklausomai nuo galingųjų šalių norų ir
>>>>>> susitarimų - jeigu tauta nori eiti tam tikru keliu, ji juo ir eina
>>>>>> atsiradus menkiausiai progai, nepaisant pasaulio galingųjų
>>>>>> išskaičiavimų. Mes norėjome nepriklausomybės, ir ją paskelbėme bei
>>>>>> išsikovojome nepaisant visų "pragmatikų" raginimų to nedaryti,
>>>>>> galiausiai tas pats buvo ir su stojimu į NATO. Ukrainiečiai nebegalėjo
>>>>>> pakęsti Janukovičiaus režimo ir jį nuvertė nepaisant kažkokių ten
>>>>>> pozicijų - opozicijų susitarimų.
>>>>>> O Putinui reikia ne nuolaidžiauti, o jį spausti - mažos pergalės kelia
>>>>>> jo populiarumą, o tegu ir maži pralaimėjimai galėtų padėti atsikvošėti
>>>>>> rusų tautai ir privesti iki režimo žlugimo. Mano nuomonė aiški jau nuo
>>>>>> pat Putino pasirodymo didžiojoje politikoje - tai baisus žmogus, ir kuo
>>>>>> jis įgis daugiau galios, tuo daugiau problemų gali pridaryti pasauliui.
>>>>>> Čia tas vokiečių politikierius galėtų prisiminti 1938 m. ir Čemberleną,
>>>>>> kuris, mojuodamas sutartimi su Hitleriu, praktiškai atidavusia šiam
>>>>>> Čekoslovakiją, jautėsi didvyriu, išgelbėjusiu šalį nuo karo, beje,
>>>>>> didelė dalis visuomenės jam tuomet pritarė.
>>>>>> 2014.04.02 02:30, abc rašė:
>>>>>>> Nuobodu skaityti lietuvišką ir rusišką propagandą.
>>>>>>> O ką iš tiesų mano Vakarai?
>>>>>>> American Perspective
>>>>>>> http://www.institutionalinvestor.com/blogarticle/3315726/Blog/Will-Russia-Go-to-War-Over-Ukraine-Dont-Bet-on-It.html?LS=Twitter
>>>>>>> German Perspective
>>>>>>> "The leader of the opposition, Gregor Gysi, will speak now:
>>>>>>> Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen. Putin wants to solve the whole
>>>>>>> crisis in Ukraine militarily. He has not understood that the problems of
>>>>>>> humanity can neither be solved by soldiers, nor by weapons. On the
>>>>>>> contrary. Also Russia’s problems cannot be solved this way. His thinking
>>>>>>> and his actions are wrong and we condemn them explicitly. Yet, it is the
>>>>>>> same thinking that was and is present in the west for Yugoslavia,
>>>>>>> Afghanistan, Iraq and Lybia. System confrontations were replaced by the
>>>>>>> opposing interests of the USA and Russia. The Cold War is over, but such
>>>>>>> opposing interests can lead to very similar traits. The USA want to gain
>>>>>>> more influence and defend existing influence and Russia wants to gain
>>>>>>> more influence and defend existing influence. When talking about Russia,
>>>>>>> I shall only mention Georgia, Syria, Ukraine.
>>>>>>> Even when one condemns Putin’s actions, one must also look at how the
>>>>>>> whole confrontation and intensification came to be. And I shall tell it
>>>>>>> to you very clearly: Everything that the NATO and the EU could have done
>>>>>>> wrong, was done wrong.
>>>>>>> I begin with Gorbachev in the year 1990. He suggested to form a common
>>>>>>> European house: Dissolving of the NATO and the Warsaw Pact and finding a
>>>>>>> common security with Russia. This is what the NATO denied. They said:
>>>>>>> Dissolving the Warsaw Pact: Yes. The NATO stays… And from the defending
>>>>>>> alliance was made an interventional alliance. The second error: With the
>>>>>>> creation of German unity, the US foreign minister and the German foreign
>>>>>>> minister of the time, Genscher, and other foreign ministers told
>>>>>>> Gorbachev: No eastwards extension of the NATO will take place. This
>>>>>>> promise was broken. There was a radical extension of the NATO towards
>>>>>>> Russia. And the former US foreign minister Robert Gates described the
>>>>>>> rapid inclusion of the East European states into the NATO as a grave
>>>>>>> mistake and the attempt of the West to include Ukraine into the NATO as
>>>>>>> grave provocation - that’s not what I said, this was said by the former
>>>>>>> US foreign minister! Then, third, the decision was made to station
>>>>>>> rockets in Poland and the Czech Republic. The Russian government said:
>>>>>>> This concerns our security interests, we do not want this. The West
>>>>>>> couldn’t care less and it was done anyway. And finally, the NATO gravely
>>>>>>> and repeatedly violated international law in the Yugoslavian war. This
>>>>>>> is meanwhile even confirmed by former German chancellor Schröder. Serbia
>>>>>>> had not attacked another state and there was no decree of the UN
>>>>>>> Security Council. And yet, bombs were dropped, and for the first time
>>>>>>> since 1945 with German involvement. The citizens of Kosovo were allowed
>>>>>>> to decide for the separation from Serbia in a plebiscite.
>>>>>>> Back then, I heavily criticised these violations of international law
>>>>>>> and I have told you for the case of Kosovo that a Pandora’s Box is being
>>>>>>> opened. Because if this is allowed in Kosovo, then you must also allow
>>>>>>> it in other regions. You insulted me. You did not take it seriously. And
>>>>>>> you did this because you thought you were such victors of the Cold War
>>>>>>> that all old measures were not applicable to you anymore. I tell you:
>>>>>>> The Basks ask why they can’t have a plebiscite that asks whether they
>>>>>>> want to belong to Spain or not. The Catalans ask why they can’t have a
>>>>>>> plebiscite that asks whether they want to belong to Spain or not. And so
>>>>>>> do the citizens of Crimea. And through violation of international law,
>>>>>>> through habitual law, you can create new international law, you know
>>>>>>> that. Yet, my opinion stands that the detachment of Crimea would be
>>>>>>> violating international law - as was the detachment of Kosovo.
>>>>>>> I knew that Putin would refer to Kosovo and that is just what he did.
>>>>>>> And now you, Ms. chancellor, tell me that this situation is totally
>>>>>>> different. [Someone (Ms. Roth?) shouting “It is!”]. Yes, that may be…
>>>>>>> But you disregard that international law violation is international law
>>>>>>> violation. My dear Ms. Roth, why don’t you ask a judge if a theft of
>>>>>>> noble motive is not a theft in comparison to a theft of non-noble
>>>>>>> motive. He will tell you that it stays a theft. That is the problem!
>>>>>>> That is the problem! And Mr. Struck has explained a while ago that the
>>>>>>> Federal Republic of Germany must defend its security at the Hindu Kush.
>>>>>>> Now Mr. Putin explains Russia must defend its security at Crimea.
>>>>>>> Germany, by the way, had no fleet at Hindu Kush and was considerably
>>>>>>> further away. Still I say, both sentences were and are wrong.
>>>>>>> Yet, the following holds: When many international law violators blames
>>>>>>> international law violator Russia to violate international law, this is
>>>>>>> not particularly effective and trustworthy. That is the fact we are
>>>>>>> facing. Obama spoke, like you, Ms. chancellor, of the sovereignty and
>>>>>>> territorial integrity of the nations. But, these two principles were
>>>>>>> violated in Serbia, Iraq and Lybia. The West thought it could violate
>>>>>>> international law because the Cold War was over. Chinese and Russian
>>>>>>> interest were heavily underestimated. You did not take Russia with
>>>>>>> Yeltsin, who was often even drunk, serious anymore. But the situation
>>>>>>> changed. Very lately, you now again reference the principles of
>>>>>>> international law that were established in the Cold War. I am very much
>>>>>>> in favour of them being valid again, but then for all! This is the only
>>>>>>> way.
>>>>>>> Then there was the tug of war between the EU and Russia with Ukraine in
>>>>>>> the middle. Both thought and acted the same. Barroso, head of the
>>>>>>> European Commission, said EITHER customs union with Russia OR contracts
>>>>>>> with us. He did not say BOTH. Either-or! And Putin said EITHER contracts
>>>>>>> with us OR the EU. Both thought and acted alternatively in the same way.
>>>>>>> It was a gigantic mistake from both sides. No EU foreign minister tried
>>>>>>> to speak to the Russian government while even recognising the rightful
>>>>>>> security interests of Russia. Russia is afraid that behind the EU, the
>>>>>>> NATO will enter Ukraine. It feels more and more surrounded. But everyone
>>>>>>> pulled at Ukraine. The EU and NATO foreign ministers completely ignored
>>>>>>> the history of Ukraine. They never understood the importance of Crimea
>>>>>>> to Russia. And Ukrainian society is deeply divided. Also this was not
>>>>>>> recognised. This deep division already showed in WWII. And it shows
>>>>>>> today. East Ukraine tends to Russia, West Ukraine tends to western
>>>>>>> Europe. At this moment, there is no single Ukrainian political figure
>>>>>>> that could represent both parts of society. That is a sad truth.
>>>>>>> And then there is the Council of Europe and the Organisation for
>>>>>>> Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) which you gravely neglected,
>>>>>>> Ms. chancellor, Mr. foreign minister. The funding for these
>>>>>>> organisations was cut more and more in the past because you thought they
>>>>>>> were not important. Yet they are the only organisations in which both
>>>>>>> Russia and Ukraine also take part. Thus we must strengthen these
>>>>>>> organisations and not discuss over Russia’s exclusion. That is
>>>>>>> completely missing the point.
>>>>>>> Then we saw a massive intensification on Maidan. Then we saw snipers and
>>>>>>> many deaths. There are various rumours. In such situations, people lie a
>>>>>>> lot. And that is why, in such situations, we propose an international
>>>>>>> investigation committee. We and the Ukrainians have a right to know what
>>>>>>> happened there, who is responsible… And I am happy that you support
>>>>>>> this, Ms. chancellor. On Maidan, there were many democratic forces. But
>>>>>>> also fascists. The west was directly and indirectly involved. And then
>>>>>>> foreign minister Steinmeier, the French and Polish foreign minister
>>>>>>> signed a contract with Janukovych and the opposition. And now you say,
>>>>>>> Mr. foreign minister, Janukovych dissolved the contract through his
>>>>>>> fleeing. That is wrong. The people on Maidan rejected this contract with
>>>>>>> great majority. And you, Mr. foreign minister, also did not advertise
>>>>>>> for this contract on the site. And only after the rejection, Janukovych
>>>>>>> left Kiev. Then, parliament had a meeting, and they voted him out of
>>>>>>> office with 72.88%. Yet, the constitution dictates 75%. Now Mr. Röttgen
>>>>>>> and others say, well, during a revolution you can’t take the
>>>>>>> constitution to the letter, what are a few percentiles more or less?…
>>>>>>> But Putin references this and says there was no constitutional majority
>>>>>>> to vote him out of office, and refers to documents received from
>>>>>>> Janukovych. By the way, during the poll, armed soldiers were present.
>>>>>>> Not very democratic. During the plebiscite in Crimea on Sunday, there
>>>>>>> will also be armed soldiers. Also not very democratic. Interesting is
>>>>>>> also that you, Ms. chancellor, say, that such a plebiscite is forbidden
>>>>>>> by the Ukrainian constitution. So when is the constitution to be upheld,
>>>>>>> and when not? When electing the president out of office it is not and
>>>>>>> for the plebiscite in Crimea it is? You should decide whether you accept
>>>>>>> the constitution as a whole or only in specific cases when you feel like
>>>>>>> it. The latter is the way I have seen and don’t like.
>>>>>>> Then a new government was formed. Directly accepted by president Obama,
>>>>>>> also by the EU, also from Germany. Ms. Merkel! This government’s vice
>>>>>>> premier minister, the defence minister, the agricultural minister, the
>>>>>>> environmental minister, the Attorney General… are fascists! The head of
>>>>>>> the national security committee was co-founder of the fascist Swoboda
>>>>>>> party. Fascists have important positions and dominate, for example, the
>>>>>>> security sector. And never have fascists voluntarily given up power once
>>>>>>> they had conquered a part of it. At least Germany should have drawn the
>>>>>>> line here, especially because of our history. When Haider’s FPÖ joined
>>>>>>> the government in Austra, there were even contact barriers! And with the
>>>>>>> fascists in Ukraine we do nothing?! Swoboda has close contacts to the
>>>>>>> NPD and other nazi parties in Europe. The chairman of this party, Olek
>>>>>>> Tjahnybok, has stated the following. I am going to quote him now. You
>>>>>>> need to grasp this, what he has said literally: “Grab your weapons.
>>>>>>> Fight the Russian pigs, the Germans and the Jew swines and others
>>>>>>> pests”. End of quote. I repeat. This man has said “Grab your weapons.
>>>>>>> Fight the Russian pigs, the Germans and the Jew swines and others
>>>>>>> pests”. Attacks on jews and left-wingers are now common and to all this
>>>>>>> you say nothing? You talk with these Swoboda people? I think this is a
>>>>>>> scandal. I have to tell you this clearly.
>>>>>>> Now you want, as you said, to impose sanctions, if all else fails. But
>>>>>>> they will not impress Putin. They will only make the situation worse.
>>>>>>> Kissinger, the former US foreign minister, is right. He says sanctions
>>>>>>> do not express a strategy but the lack of a strategy. That also holds
>>>>>>> for the escalating military flights over Poland and the Baltic states:
>>>>>>> What’s the point? Accounts of Janukovych and his supporters are blocked
>>>>>>> because they contain stolen state funds. My question: You did not know
>>>>>>> this? Second question: Why only their accounts? What is with the
>>>>>>> billions of oligarch money to support others, why aren’t you interfering
>>>>>>> there? Why is this going so one-sided?
>>>>>>> There is only the way of diplomacy! First: The West must recognise the
>>>>>>> legitimate security interests of Russia on Crimea, which is by the way
>>>>>>> also how US foreign minister Kerry sees it. We must find a status for
>>>>>>> Crimea with which Ukraine, Russia and we can live. We have to guarantee
>>>>>>> Russia that Ukraine will not become a NATO member. Second: The
>>>>>>> perspective of Ukraine lies in a bridge function between the EU and
>>>>>>> Russia. Third: A process of understanding between east and west must be
>>>>>>> initiated in Ukraine, maybe through a federal or confederal status,
>>>>>>> maybe even through two presidents. What I accuse the EU and the NATO of:
>>>>>>> Until today, no relationship to Russia has been searched or found. This
>>>>>>> has to change dramatically. Security in Europe is not possible against
>>>>>>> or without Russia but only with Russia. And if the crisis is overcome
>>>>>>> one day, one advantage could be that international law is finally
>>>>>>> recognised by all sides again. Thank you. "
>>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXLy0NGW9sM