Tema: Re: Keli patarimai apie audio is patirties
Autorius: Dainiushas
Data: 2014-02-03 22:55:40
parsitempiau pirmą pasitaikiusį vinyl rip'ą iš rutracker'io. Tikrai 
smagiai sulindo, bent jau per ausines. Gal žemi vietom clippin'a, bet 
bendras įspūdis tikrai geras.

On 2014.02.03 21:44, eMJei wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjhaySB9X9c
> 5:41
> :)
> "The vinyl sounds more dynamic than the CD and much better in my opinion. "
> "Good Lord this is such a true statement. My buddy brought his vinyl
> copy over the other day and we played it.....loud. I just placed my
> order...this will be the only physical copy I own.
> "
> 2014-02-03 21:24, rr rašė:
>> On 2014.02.03 19:59, eMJei wrote:
>>> turiu vinila. negaliu atsidziaugt!!! puiki kokybė, puikus albumas!!!
>> Ne iš to paties cd masterio keptą? :)