Tema: Re: Kas moka estiškai?
Autorius: GK
Data: 2009-02-26 08:05:10

  Bulgaria ups fight for Cyrillic spelling of euro

ELITSA VUCHEVA <mailto:ev@euobs.com>

12.10.2007 @ 09:23 CET

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Bulgaria is threatening to block a progress 
agreement between Montenegro and the EU if its demands on using the 
Cyrillic spelling of the "euro" are not met.

Montenegro is set to sign a Stabilisation and Association Agreement 
(SAA) - bringing it a step closer to the EU, on Monday (15 October) - 
during a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg.

The brothers Cyril and Methodius created the Cyrillic alphabet more than 
1,100 years ago (Photo: Wikipedia.bg)

But in the Bulgarian translation of Montenegro's SAA, the European 
currency would be written as "euro" (еуро) instead of "evro" (евро), 
which is how it is transcribed in Cyrillic.

Sofia is refusing to accept this.

The Bulgarian foreign minister will be very happy to sign the agreement 
at 12h15 on Monday, but only if the euro is spelled out as "evro" in the 
Bulgarian contract or if some sort of compromise is reached," a senior 
Bulgarian diplomat said on Thursday (11 October).

Compromises would include writing "common European currency" instead of 
"euro"; putting the euro sign € ; or using the currency abbreviation EUR 
– that way avoiding the use of the word "euro" and getting round the 
issue of how it should be transcribed.

It is now up to the Portuguese presidency to submit proposals, hoping to 
get to a solution before Monday. EU ambassadors will also hold another 
meeting early on Monday morning.

But in any case, if the SAA is not signed next week as planned, it will 
be signed later: "This is not about cancelling the signing of the 
agreement, it would only postpone it", the diplomat said, putting the 
matter into perspective.

*A particularity backed by legal arguments*

Other countries where the euro is pronounced differently, including 
Slovenia which also uses "evro", have tried to obtain a different 
spelling of the common currency. They all failed – except for Greece.

Unlike Slovenia which uses the Latin alphabet, Greece had put forward 
its different alphabet as an argument – something the Bulgarians are 
trying to do as well, stressing the particularities of the Cyrillic 
alphabet and of the Bulgarian language.

The prefix "eu" in foreign words written in the Latin alphabet is always 
pronounced – and transcribed– as "ev" in Bulgarian using the Cyrillic 
alphabet. For instance, Europe becomes "Evropa", eurozone becomes 
"evrozona" – and euro becomes "evro".

The argument has not swayed the ECB however, which insists that "the 
name of the common currency unit must be the same in all the official 
languages of the EU", as decided by EU leaders in December 1995 in Madrid.

Sofia points out that this decision also emphasizes "the existence of 
different alphabets" should be taken into account.

The second – and strongest – legal argument put forward by Sofia is the 
fact that its particular spelling of the European currency figures in 
its accession agreement.

The document ratified by all EU states before Sofia joined the bloc, 
says that the euro will be called "evro" in Bulgaria.

The legal service of the Council of the EU stated last spring that this 
had been a purely technical mistake and asked to correct it – something 
Sofia did not accept and the "correction" did not pass.

Counting on these arguments, Bulgaria is hoping to get as much support 
as possible from within the EU and intends to fight to defend its 
more-than-1,100-year-old "cultural heritage", as it calls the Cyrillic 

With the looming SAA impasse, Montenegro's ambassador in Brussels went 
to see his Bulgarian counterpart for an emergency meeting on Thursday, 
while alarmed Montenegrin ministers were calling Sofia during the day 
hoping to clarify the situation.

Whatever the outcome of the "evro" issue, it is unlikely to end here. It 
will have further implications for other Balkan countries lining up to 
join the EU and using the Cyrillic alphabet.

The "evro" would be used in Montenegro itself, but also in the Former 
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and in Serbia who would all have the same 
problem in the future.

Romas Z. wrote:
> :)
> G
> dėl liežuvio laužymo:
> pamenu, kaip nuoširdžiai protestavo latviai, kad jiems neleidžiama 
> rašyti EIRO, o liepė rašyti EURO,
> dievagojosi, kad jie tokių sąskambių neištaria, rodė į graikus (ant 
> euro banknotų parašyta EURO ir tas pats graikiškai).
> Nu, bet nutilo, susitaikė....
> "Daiva D." <ddaiva@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> news:go3rab$3g9$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> nejaugi jūsų kalbos jausmas neprotestuoja, kai tariate Pabalti_j_ys, 
>> Pabalti_j_yje?
>> nu jau kokios ten sesės, labusai, zirgagalvos ir kiulemajos... 
>> :)))))))) o estas kaip turėjo didįjį brolį suomį, taip tebeturi. 
>> Negirdėjot anekdoto? Skęsta laivas, visi stengiasi išgelbėti kas kam 
>> brangu, vienas pinigus, kitas artimųjų nuotraukas, trečias butelį. O 
>> estas išneša suomį ant pečių.
>> "Romas Z." <juozeta@jahu.kom> wrote in message 
>> news:go3oj5$v3c$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Neįtikinai, Daiva, sorry.
>>> Nepamiršk, kad visgi mes jau patapome trimis sesėmis - Lietuva, 
>>> Latvija, Igaudija :) (ar kaip ten latviškai Estija).
>>> "Daiva D." <ddaiva@gmail.com> wrote in message 
>>> news:go3lk4$ptt$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> tiesiog pabandykite ištarti garsiai "Pabalti_j_ys", ir suprasite, 
>>>> kad šitas žodžio Прибалтика vertimas yra dirbtinis,
>>>> nebūdingas lietuviškam liežuviui, ir tiesiog... neestetiškas.
>>>> Istoriškai - buvo dvi artimos valstybės, Latvija ir Lietuva, buvo 
>>>> kitos dvi - Estija ir Suomija. Tarybų Sąjungos
>>>> laikais prireikė naujo apibūdinimo, va jums ir dirbtinis darinys - 
>>>> pribaltika, ir dar prisiminkie, kad informacinėse
>>>> priemonėse visada ji buvo vadinama sovetskaja pribaltika...
>>>> "Romas Z." <juozeta@jahu.kom> wrote in message 
>>>> news:go1pt9$4co$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> Jo, kažkur skaičiau, kaip kažkas neįtikinamai bandė aiškinti, kad 
>>>>> „pabaltijys“ yra iš „прибалтика“, bet kodėl tai yra
>>>>> blogai aš taip ir nesupratau. Manau, chebra iš Panemunės ar 
>>>>> Panevėžio irgi nesupranta...
>>>>> "Ruta" <rutapeter@online.de> wrote in message 
>>>>> news:go1d75$dgk$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>> Pabaltijo gyventojai?
>>>>>> GK schrieb:
>>>>>>> Va ir problema.  Angliškai žodis 'Balts' vartojamas apibūdinti 
>>>>>>> žmones iš "Baltic countries" – lietuvius, latvius,
>>>>>>> estus.  O LKŽ sako, kad báltai = viena indoeuropiečių šakų – 
>>>>>>> lietuviai, latviai, prūsai ir kt. , nėra estų.  Tai
>>>>>>> kaip
>>>>>>> versti 'Balts' su prasme "people from the Baltic countries", 
>>>>>>> jeigu ne pabaltijiečiai ?
>>>>>>> Junda wrote:
>>>>>>>> It apskritai baltais dabar vadinama kalbų grupė, o ne patys 
>>>>>>>> žmonės...
>>>>>>>> GK wrote:
>>>>>>>>> báltai sm. pl. (1) DŽ viena indoeuropiečių šakų – lietuviai, 
>>>>>>>>> latviai, prūsai ir kt.
>>>>>>>>> Tai neapima estų.
>>>>>>>>> GK wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Ačiū.
>>>>>>>>>> Kitą kartą kai važiuosite į Kauną, paskambinkite, bus bonkė. 
>>>>>>>>>> :-)       (Net jiei važiuosite A-1 magistrale
>>>>>>>>>> kitur.
>>>>>>>>>> Aš gyvenu visai arti prie A-1 magistralės.)
>>>>>>>>>> >Žodis 'pabaltijietis' yra nevartotinas.
>>>>>>>>>> Tai kaip reikia juos vadinti?  Baltai?
>>>>>>>>>> Junda wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Ji sakė čia nėra nė vieno žodžio estiškai ir net nepanašu, 
>>>>>>>>>>> taip pat nepanašu į suomių. Bet jų himnas prasideda
>>>>>>>>>>> taip:
>>>>>>>>>>> mu isamaa mu õnn ja rõõm
>>>>>>>>>>> (reiškia: my homeland, my happiness and joy)
>>>>>>>>>>> Kažkas labai panašiai transkribavo :))))
>>>>>>>>>>> Gintai iš jūsų jau seniai priklauso bonkė!
>>>>>>>>>>> GK wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tarška traukiniai... bekraščiais prisiminimų plotais...
>>>>>>>>>>>> — Estijoje tiek daug vandens... Tik vieno lašo... lašelio.
>>>>>>>>>>>> — "Mui sama muen jaren"...
>>>>>>>>>>>> — Tai šitoks į laisvės utopiją vedantis
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lenino ir Stalino kelias...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Čia apie pabaltiečių trėmimus.  Prašau paklausti jūsų 
>>>>>>>>>>>> draugės estės vertėjos kaip prasideda estų himnas.  Ar
>>>>>>>>>>>> panašiai
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Mui sama muen jaren"... ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Junda wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> GK wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> « Mui sama muen jaren »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Google Translate nepadeda, gal čia yra rašybos klaidų.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Čia visai ne estiškai, kodėl taip manote? (Paklausiau 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> draugės vertėjos, ji estė.)