Tema: Skaitytojų pabaiga. Viso gero, vasara
Autorius: atsakau - Į terorizmą, ponaičiai: globalpolitician.com
Data: 2012-08-11 19:46:57

Terrorism is not as difficult a concept as some claim. It is a political
ideology (-ism) on the use of terror, which is arbitrary, unrestricted and
unspecified fear. This excludes traditional warfare against regular armies
and police forces, and individual assassinations of public figures....
Since the Jacobins of the French revolution held a "Reign of Terror" in
1794, the international socialists (communists) and national socialists
(fascists) have shared a common tendency to use terrorism.
Įomiausia šiame Antero Leitzingerio straipsnyje yra įrodymai apie tai
kaip internaccionalistiniai socialistai (komunistinis internacionalas) tapo
ISLAMO TERORISTAIS. Modernusis terorizmas, sako autorius gimė per
vienerius metus - 1967-68 ir staigiai pasklido po visą pasaulį. O tai
normaliai mąstančiam žmogui kaip mat sukėlė įtarimą, kad jis privalo
turėti vienas ir tas pačias šaknis.  
Kaip tik nuo 1967 metų Rusijos KGB ėmė vadovauti chazarų kilmęs
Jurijus Andropovas. O jau po Brežnevo mirties kai jis tapo partijos
sekretoriumi, KGB tapo valstybe valstybėje. Tada ir buvo sukurtas
Perestroikos planas Golghota, susidedantis iš keturių dalių. Kuris buvo
ganėtinai tiksliai vykdomas ir po Andropovo mirties. Tik, anot KGB
Generolo Liubimovo,  įvyko tik vienas nukrypimas - Landsbergio maištas ir
Pabaltijo išstojimas iš nvs.  

Since the Jacobins of the French revolution held a "Reign of Terror" in
1794, the international socialists (communists) and national socialists
(fascists) have shared a common tendency to use terrorism.
On June 2nd, 1967, violent student demonstrators met the Shah of Iran in
West Germany. All of free Europe was plagued by student demonstrations in
May 1968, causing a nearly revolutionary situation in France. Numerous
left-wing terrorist cells were formed in Germany, Italy, and other western
countries. Their activities peaked in 1977, after which the West German
terrorists retired in communist East Germany. 

The (North Irish) IRA and (Basque) ETA started their terrorism in 1968,
with peaks around 1976. Andropov considered an IRA request for arms
delivery for three years until subscribing it in 1972. (Andrew & Mitrokhin,
p. 378 and 384-385)

German and Italian left-wing terrorists cooperated by summer 1969, and in
October 1971, altogether 16 terrorist groups held a meeting in Florence,
Italy. Beside the IRA and ETA, many Palestinian and Latin American (ERP,
ELN, MLN, MIR) groups joined to the international terror network by 1973.

In the USA, Soviet agents incited racial tension by writings in the name
of the Ku Klux Klan, and by a bomb explosion in New York City, in summer
1971. (Andrew & Mitrokhin, p. 238) The same year, Soviet agents made
contacts to a Quebecois separatist group, the FLQ.

In Latin America, communist Cuba was the source of revolutionary
activities in many countries, although the KGB kept its own agents there
too. (Andrew & Mitrokhin, p. 386) In October 1967, "Che Guevara", whose
girl-friend was an East German, was executed in Bolivia, becoming a
romantic idol for teenage girls. Thirty-four years later, his picture could
be seen on the T-shirts of young Palestinian brawlers. In Mexico, the KGB
was involved in student riots from July to October 1968, prior to the
Olympic Games. Uruguay experienced urban guerrilla activities by the MLN,
peaking between 1968 and 1972. Argentine followed between 1970 and 1975.
Communists had big hopes on Chile, but were bitterly disappointed by the
military coup in 1973. ir t.t t.t. 

Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/lmenas/?st_id=20093