Tema: Skaitytojų nepabaiga. Dar ne viso gero, vasara
Autorius: iš kito \žaltojo karo\ laiško (1961m.) Pranašystė?
Data: 2012-08-27 12:27:41

Apparently much popular thought in 
this country simply goes along with the immoral and secularist 
attitude that since Communism is evil we can do anything we 
like to wipe it out and thus prevent it from gaining ground and 
overwhelming us. This awfully short-sighted and completely 
unchristian attitude may well result in complete disaster for the 
Church. For one thing, the result might be that Russia and the 
U.S. would knock themselves out and leave the whole world at 
the mercy of Red China. The west of Europe would of course 
evaporate into the bargain.What would be left of Christianity? 
What would be the attitude of conscientious non-Christians 
toward survivors of a Body that had urged such a crime in the 
name of religion? The hour seems to me to be extremely grave.

Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/lmenas/?st_id=20093